
Wolgast, Eike [Editor]; Seebaß, Gottfried [Editor]; Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften [Editor]; Kirchenrechtliches Institut der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland [Editor]; Sehling, Emil [Bibliogr. antecedent]; Arend, Sabine [Oth.]
Die evangelischen Kirchenordnungen des XVI. Jahrhunderts (9. Band = Hessen, 2): Die geteilte Landgrafschaft Hessen 1582-1618 - Grafschaften Waldeck, Solms, Erbach und Stolberg-Königstein - Reichsstädte Frankfurt, Friedberg, Gelnhausen und Wetzlar — Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2011

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sure of the chur-| cxxii | che, havinge no nede therof,
that then not onely he be exempted from anie more
partaki[n]ge off the saied treasure til it appeere, that
he have evident neede, but also that he doo make
therfore publique satisfaction, before he be admit-
ted to the communion.
25. Item that the Seniors and Deacons se[e], that
the poore off the congregation be not ydle but dili-
gent in well doeinge.
26. Item that, yff ther be anye off the poore, sick,
that then foorthwith one of the Deacons resorte to
them and presently succor their necessitie, and the
needy straungers off our nation be holpen towardes
their traveill and journey, yff the treasure off the
churche will beare it.
27. Item that in case the treasure off the churche do
faile or wax thinne, that then such as be off the
welthey sorte off the congregation shall quarterly
contribute accordinge to their habilitie and godly
devotion for the maintenannce off the ministerie,
poore and studentes off the congregation. And the
same at everie quarter daye to be delivered into the
handes off the Deacons.
28. Item we think Good, that declaration be made
by the preachers off Goddes worde divers tymes as
just occasion will serve, how comely and profitable
for Christes churche, that al[l] mennes liberalitie to-
wardes the poore do come to the handes off the saied
4 Deacons, by them publickly in the name off the
whole churche to be ministred to the poore for by
this rule, let not thy left hande knowe what they
right hande dothe maye beste be observed. And the
blowinge off the trumpet before the almes gever and
all worldly reward off vaine commendation maie
best be avoided, and so our heavenly father, who
seethe in secret, will rewarde everie man more abun-
dantly in the daie off the revelation off the thoughts
off all men12.

12 Mt 6,1-4.
13 Diese Bemerkung deutet darauf hin, dass dem Kompi-

29. Item we think good, that certeine letters in the
same sence be written with an exhortation and har-
tie praier to all such as will relieve the poore off oure
congregation with their godly liberalitie, that they
will deliver or send their charitable reliffe to the sai-
ed 4 Deacons, commonly to be bestowed off | cxxiii |
them uppon all the poore, whither they be studentes
or other, according to everie mans necessitie, whiche
the saied Deacons and the churche here present can
best knowe and Judge, rather then to committ the
allmes to anie one persons hande, to anye private
use, for the avoyding off sundry suspitions and
many other inconveniences, that maye be the pres-
ently and hereafter arise and ensewe off the same,
And the saied letters subscribed with as many han-
des off the congregation, as shall seme good, with a
generall superscription to all such as will charitably
relieve the poore off oure congregation withowt
anye naminge off any persons, to be sent where the
Ministers, Seniors and Deacons or the more off
them shall think good, by a most faithfull and dis-
creet messinger, to all places, where such good men,
by whose liberalitie the churche is releived, doe or
maie resorte, that the sayed letters maye by the say-
ed messinger be shewed [= showed] as a testimonie
off credit to the said godly men in places and at
times moste convenient.
This article, folowing 29., I also fynde in the co-
30. Item as concerning the relieffe to be had at
strangers handes, who be not off oure churche, such
order is to be taken as shall seme most expedient to
the ministers of the worde and Sacraments.
It semeth, that this article was put in, in place
off the former, whiche they could not agree uppon.
31. Item we thinke it expedient, that the saied
4 Deacons be charged neither with the helping off
the Ministers in the preaching off the worde, neither
in the Catechising off the youthe, neither in mini-
string off Sacramentes or saing off common praier or

lator nicht das Original-Manuskript, sondern eine Tran-
skription vorlag, Simpson, John Knox, S. 106.

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