
Wolgast, Eike [Hrsg.]; Seebaß, Gottfried [Hrsg.]; Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften [Hrsg.]; Kirchenrechtliches Institut der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland [Hrsg.]; Sehling, Emil [Begr.]; Arend, Sabine [Bearb.]
Die evangelischen Kirchenordnungen des XVI. Jahrhunderts (9. Band = Hessen, 2): Die geteilte Landgrafschaft Hessen 1582-1618 - Grafschaften Waldeck, Solms, Erbach und Stolberg-Königstein - Reichsstädte Frankfurt, Friedberg, Gelnhausen und Wetzlar — Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2011

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16. Old Discipline - New Discipline 1557

specially the visiting off the sick, other then the
poore for the releyving of their necessitie, as with
thinges perteininge to the office off deaconshipp nor
with any other offices, other then is expressedly de-
clared in gods worde apperteine to the Deacons, ac-
cording to the rule off the whiche, | cxxiiii | they shall
by all meanes possible direct their dooinges. The
summe wheroff is, diligently to receive and kepe all,
and all manner off publik and private almes and the
same faithfully to bestowe upon the poore off chri-
stes churche accordinge as every mannes necessitie
shall requier and by all meanes possible, as well by
worde as by writing, to procure the maintenaunce
off the saied treasure off the churche, so to their
credit committed. Notwithstandinge, it is not ment
hereby, but that anie off the saied Deacons being
lerned, when good occasion shall therto serve, may
preach or instruct the youthe in the Catechisme or
doe anie other godly function wherunto they shall
be called.
32. Item that where there is no godlier acte then to
succor such as be bothe, sik and poore, for that their
burthen [= burden] is moste heavy, we think good,
yff the habilitie off the churche will extend therun-
to, that there be 4 grave and honest wemen, either
widowes or wyves (such as have nede of the helpe of
the churche), appointed and chosen with the con-
sente off their husbandes, to keepe the poore, when
they be sicke and to watche with them by course
one after an other, and that they have therfore cut
off the treasure off the churche a certeine stipende,
quarterly payde unto them.
Off the Discipline off the churche,
which is the 4. and laste note
33. Firste in all matters touchinge conscience, gods
worde is the perfect rule as well for those thinges
whiche Christen men ought to doe, as for such thin-
ges as they are bownd to abstaine from.
34. Item in all controversies civill, the civill or mu-
nicipall law off the countrie or citie, where the chur-
che is, is a sufficient rule to be obaied.

35. Item all matters, touchinge the congregation or
the members off the same directly, apperteining to
neither off the two former partes, Ecclesiasticall or-
dinance and discipline of |cxxv| the saied churche,
ought by all members off the same to be obaied.
36. Item although this worde Discipline generally
doth conteine all Ecclesiasticall orders and ordi-
naunces, yet in this place it is properly taken for the
rule off owtward honest orders and manners and off
the punishiment and correction off vices.
37. Item for the execution off the whiche discipline
to the mainteining of all comely order and vertue in
the churche and correction off disorder and vice, it
is agreed, that 6 men off speciall gravitie, authoritie
and wisdom, suche as the rule off the holy scriptures
dothe set foorthe as muche as maie be shal be chosen
to be seniors, whiche 6 seniors with the two Mini-
sters off the worde shall have the execution off the
Discipline and governement off the churche and
shall be reverenced and in all thinges godly and rea-
sonable obeied and reverenced of all persons in the
congregation under paine off moste sharpe discipli-
38. Provided alwaies that the saied Ministers and
seniors, severally and ioyntly, shall have no autho-
ritie to make anie manner off decrees or ordinances
to bynd the congregation or anie member therof,
but shall execute such ordinances and decrees as
shal be made by the congregation and to them de-
Off the election off all Ministers
39. Item it is agreed, that all seniors, Deacons and
all other ministers (what so ever they be) the 2 tea-
chers and ministers off the worde, onely excepted,
shall ones a yere, that is the first daie off marche,
take an ende off their ministerie, what so ever it be,
And they from that daie, till a newe election be ma-
de, which shalbe within one forthnight after the sai-
ed fyrste day off marche (unles some great causes
incident do let the same) shall be all private persons
as other members off the congregation and so con-

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