
Wolgast, Eike [Editor]; Seebaß, Gottfried [Editor]; Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften [Editor]; Kirchenrechtliches Institut der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland [Editor]; Sehling, Emil [Bibliogr. antecedent]; Arend, Sabine [Oth.]
Die evangelischen Kirchenordnungen des XVI. Jahrhunderts (9. Band = Hessen, 2): Die geteilte Landgrafschaft Hessen 1582-1618 - Grafschaften Waldeck, Solms, Erbach und Stolberg-Königstein - Reichsstädte Frankfurt, Friedberg, Gelnhausen und Wetzlar — Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2011

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tinewe still till they be newe elected to the same or
other ministerie or office, everie one off them yet
notwithstanding in the meane tyme, from the saied
first daie |cxxvi| off marche till newe ministers be
elected, doing the dewtie and dewties to your office
40. Item that publick praier and fast be made before
and at the election off all ministers, in time and con-
tinuaunce as to the congregation, shall seme good.
41. Item that before the election off the ministers,
Seniors and Deacons the places off the scriptures,
for that purpos most fit, be openlye redd and a ser-
mon to be made uppon the same As for the present
purpose, shall be most convenient.
42. Item that election be made by bills, everie man
bringing a litle bill, rolled upp, the names off such
persons appointed, as they shall think moste meete
for the office, wherunto the election is then made.
43. Item that imposition off handes with praier be
used at the institution off the saied ministers, seni-
ors and Deacons, according to the doctrine and ex-
amples off the scriptures.
Off the callinge and assembling off
the congregation
44. Item that the ministers and seniors, thus electe,
have nowe authoritie as the principall members off
the congregation, to governe the saied congregation
accordinge to goddes worde, and the discipline off
the churche, as is afor saied, And also, to call toge-
ther and assemble the saied congregation for causes
and at tymes, as shall to them seme expedient.
Provided allwaies that yff anie dissention shall
happen betweene the ministers and the seniors or
the more parte off them and the bodye of the con-
gregation or the more parte off it, and that the saied
ministers and Seniors in such controversie beinge
desired therto will not assemble the congregation,
that then the congregation maye of itselff cum

[= come] together and consulte and determine as
concerninge the saied controversie or controversies
and the saied assembly to be a lawfull congregation,
and that which they the more parte of them so as-
| cxxvii | sembling shall iudge or decree, the same to
be a lawfull decree and ordinaunce of sufficient force
to bynde the whole congregation and every member
off the same.
45. Item that no man being sommoned or warned
either by the ministers and Seniors or in the name
off the congregation, so as afore is saied, assembled,
to appere in the congregation, shall absent himselff,
but uppon a lawfull cause under paine off discipline.
And that none shall departe owt off the said con-
gregation so assembled till it be broken up, withowt
licence off the whole or the more parte remaining,
uppon paine of discipline before the whole congre-
gation therfore.
46. Item in case some do departe, that yet notwith-
standing those, whiche still remaine (yff they be the
greater parte) to be a lawfull congregation, and that
whiche they or the more parte off them shall decree,
to be a lawfull decree off force to bynde the whole
body, ministers, seniors, Deacons and everie other
member or members theroff withowt exception.
47. Item that no checkinge or taunting be used in
the saied congregation by anie persons under paine
off Discipline, and that in speakinge all other shall
holde their peace and keepe silence, absteining also
from private talke, that all thinges maie be donne
comely and in order.
48. Item that it shall be lawfull that everie member
off the congregation, making protestation off licence
before, to the ministers, seniors and the whole con-
gregation, maie speak his mynd in the congregation,
so he speake quietly and not againste goddes truthe,
for in case he speake ungodly, that then it shall be
lawfull for the ministers, seniors or anie off them, to
commaunde him silence by and by.

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