
Wolgast, Eike [Editor]; Seebaß, Gottfried [Editor]; Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften [Editor]; Kirchenrechtliches Institut der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland [Editor]; Arend, Sabine [Oth.]; Sehling, Emil [Bibliogr. antecedent]
Die evangelischen Kirchenordnungen des XVI. Jahrhunderts (9. Band = Hessen, 2): Die geteilte Landgrafschaft Hessen 1582-1618 - Grafschaften Waldeck, Solms, Erbach und Stolberg-Königstein - Reichsstädte Frankfurt, Friedberg, Gelnhausen und Wetzlar — Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2011

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him to reduce him to true repentaunce and satisfy-
inge off the congregation. Whiche, yff he obstinatly
refuse to do, then one off the Ministers shall signifie
his offence and contempte to the whole congrega-
tion, desyring them to praie for him and further to
assigne him | cxxx | a daye to be denownced excom-
municate before the congregation, except in the
meane time, the offender submit himselff before the
whole congregation to the order off the disci-
56. Item that neither the Seniors and Ministers, nor
the whole congregation shall medle in anie civill
matters as judges or determiners off the same, but
onely as arbitres for peace makinge, that the magi-
strates be troubled as litle as maye be with oure
controversies, but in case the Seniors and [ministers]
first, and afterwardes the congregation, or such as
the congregation shal appoint, can make no peace-
able ende by waye off arbitrement, then the judge-
ment off the saied matters to be referred to the Ma-
gistrates off the citie and there to be ended.
57. Item we thinke good for oure quietnes sake and
for the conservinge off the good reporte of oure na-
tion, that all matters and controversies amonge oure
selves, yff they cannot privately be pacified (whiche
firste ought to be attempted) be brought before the
Seniors and Ministers and there to be harde
[= heard], And in case they cannot ende them, then
afterward to be referred to the whole congregation
or such as the congregation shall apoint to the hea-
ringe and determininge theroff, yff they can, and
that no matter be brought unto the magistrate or
senate to hinder, derogate or let the authoritie off
the churche or the discipline theroff, before theis
waies be proved under paine off discipline before the
congregation, unlesse the thinge appeteine directly
to the state off the citie or offence against the lawes,
Senate or magistrate off the same. In whiche cases
everie man maie and ought forthwith to complaine
to the magistrates.

f Diese Passage stammt aus der Old Discipline, siehe
oben, S. 589, vgl. Simpson, John Knox, S. 107.

58. Item whereas the best waie off christian recon-
ciliation is, that the parties privately betwene them
selves agree, and the next, that agrement be made
by mediation off some paceable and godly men, we
decree that in case 2, 4, 6 moo [= more] or lesse do
consult amonge themselves or travell with the par-
ties for peace making quietly and charitably, then
the saied parties in so doinge do nothinge against
good order off discipli-| cxxxi | ne, but according to
the dewtie and office off christian and peaceable
59. Item that the ministers and Seniors shall have
authoritie to heare and determine on the behalff off
the whole churche all offences (determinable by the
congregation) committed by any person in the con-
gregation, unlesse the partie, called before them,
have just occasion to take exceptions to the sayed
ministers and Seniors, or to appeale from them as
not competent judges.
60. Item yff anye have just occasion to take excep-
tion to some off the Ministers and seniors and not to
the more parte, that then those off the Ministers
and Seniors, to whom the exception is made, in this
case shall not be judges, but in this case for the
tyme removed from the ministery and that the rest
off the Ministers and Seniors to whom no exception
shall be made, with as manie off the congregation
joyned to them, as they be in nomber, whiche shall
be excepted, shalbe arbitres and judges in the saied
causes, and that the saied persons so to be joined to
the Ministers and Seniors, shalbe appointed by the
congregation, the Ministers and Seniors not excep-
ted, gevinge [= giving] their voices as others off the
61. Item yf exception be taken to the more parte of
the ministers and Seniors, that then the churche
shall appointe 6 moo to be judges with the reste off
the ministers, agaynst whom exception is not made,
the same reste off the ministers having their voices
in the election off the 6 as other members off the

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