1 cm
Αίγες (*POxy. 5160)


But Seleucus expresses doubt
.... ]τοι Symmachus . [
.... ]ωρ[. . ] . εξαμενος
ίο . ... ]α ....[. ]
....].ισμο ....ρ ... η
....]. λεται to the Agora
Interpretation For the addressee, see fr. a n. For Nicias (PA 10808; PAA
712520) son of Niceratus—here apparently only one example of someone
nominally goat-like, hence connective τ’—see fr. 351 n. His deme Cydantidae
did in fact belong to the tribe Aigeis.
7 [ό ... Σ]έλευκος is taken by Luppe 2013a. 50 as a reference to Seleucus
of Alexandria (RE Seleukos 44), who seems to have been used by the com-
mentator Didymus (1st c. BCE), from whom Symmachus (lst/2nd c. CE) in turn
presumably got both Seleucus’ opinion and whatever information from other
sources was offered in the badly damaged lines that follow. On Luppe’s sup-
plementation of the text, Symmachus drew on the work of Diodorus, i. e.
Diodorus the student of Aristophanes of Byzantium (RE Diodoros 51; early
1st century BCE).
13 . λεται εις αγοράν is presumably the end of a note (explaining the
intentions of the goatherd after the romantic interlude alluded to in what
follows), given the hiatus and the fact that the first two words preserved in
14 are patently a gloss (= POxy. 5160 fr. c).

fr. c = POxy. 5160 col. i.14
δεϋρ’ είσιών
going (masc. nom. sing.) in here
Meter lambic trimeter, e.g. — I—(x—)
Context POxy. 5160 col. i.14-15
. . . ] δεϋρ’ είσιών προς
15 την πα]νδοκεύτριαν
15 suppl. ed. pr.
. . . . ] “going (masc. nom. sing.) in here”: addressed to
15 the innkeeper-woman
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