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Δήμοι (Demoi)
(“Rural Districts”)

test. *i.a (= Demoi test. 1 Telo)
Aristid. or. 3.365 (p. 418.17-19 Lenz-Behr)
των κωμικών τις έποίησε τέτταρας τών προστατών άνεστώτας, έν οΐς δύο
τούτων ένεισιν
One of the comic poets represented four leaders as risen from the dead,
including two of these

test. *i.b (= Demoi test. 1 Telo)
ZRQr Aristid. or. 3.365 (III p. 672.5-11 Dindorf)
Εΰπολις έποίησεν άναστάντα τον Μιλτιάδην και Άριστείδην καί Σόλωνα καί
Περικλέα (sic Valckenaer : Γέλωνα καί Περικλέα Σκ : Περικλέα καί Γέλωνα
Σδ : Κλέωνα καί Περικλέα ΣΤ : Κίμωνα καί Περικλέα Elmsley). έν τούτοις
ούν ένεισι δύο, φησί, Περικλής καί Μιλτιάδης, λέγει δε Εΰπολις ούτως (fr.
Eupolis represented Miltiades as rising (from the dead) along with Aristides,
Solon and Pericles (thus Valckenaer : “Gelon and Pericles” Σ1’: “Pericles and
Gelon” Σδ : “Cleon and Pericles” ΣΤ : “Cimon and Pericles” Elmsley). Among
these men, then, he says, two are included, Pericles and Miltiades. And
Eupolis says the following (fr. *104):-
Context A passing remark in Aristides’ extended defense of Miltiades,
Themistocles, Pericles and Cimon against Socrates’ disparaging remarks at
Pl. Grg. 503b-c, 515d-17a regarding their failure to improve the Athenians
when they were the leading men in the state, as the orator prepares to al-
low Pericles and Themistocles to speak for themselves against their accuser.
Aristides appears to cite two passages from Demoi (frr. 102-3, neither cited by
title) at or. 3.51, but there is no reason to believe that he knew the play at first
hand, as opposed to having some basic sense of the broad outlines of its action
drawn from a rhetorical handbook or the like; see also fr. 205 Citation context.
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