Είλωτες (fr. 152)
Citation context Originally a gloss on Hp. Salubr. 4 = 6.76.15-17 Littre τά δψα
σκευάζειν σησάμοισιν ή ήδύσμασι και τοΐσιν άλλοισι τοΐσι τοιουτοτρόποισιν
(“and to prepare their main dishes with sesame seed or seasonings and other
items of this sort”) drawn from an Atticist lexicographer. Cf. Poll. 6.13 τά
δ’ αρτύματα ήδύσματα (“seasonings are spices”); Hsch. η 156 ήδύσματα·
αρτύματα (“seasonings: spices”); Σ Pl. R. 404c ήδυσμάτων. αρτυμάτων (“sea-
sonings: spices”; taken by Greene to be drawn from Diogenianus). Antiatt.
p. 82.32 disputes the claim: αρτύματα· ούχ ήδύσματα. Σοφοκλής Φαίαξιν7
(“spices: not seasonings. Sophocles in Phaiakes”).
Heildtes is the only known Eupolidean title into which the confused para-
dosis κλωταΐς/κλοταϊς (whence Meineke’s Klopai, “Thefts”) can be easily
Interpretation ήδύσματα is attested widely in both Attic comedy (also e. g.
Pherecr. fr. 157.2; Telecl. fr. 1.11; Ar. V. 496, 499; Dionys. Com. fr. 2.16; Antiph.
fr. 181.3; cf. fr. 99.49 with n.) and prose (e. g. X. Mem. 3.14.5; Pl. R. 332d), but
is not found in tragedy, αρτύματα, on the other hand, is attested in the tragic
poets (A. fr. 306; S. frr. *328.1; *675; 709; perhaps all satyr play, making it clear
that this is a low-style idea regardless of the register to which the word itself
belongs), but in comedy only at Anaxipp. fr. 1.5, 8; occasionally in Hippocrates
(Aff. 43 = 6.252.12 Littre; Int. 49, 51 = 7.290.16, 296.7 Littre); and never in Attic
prose. Although ήδύσματα is found in Hippocrates as well (also Mui. 137 =
8.90.8 Littre; Mui. II202 = 8.386.17 Littre), therefore, Erotian would appear to
be correct that the word has a distinctly colloquial Attic character.
For what Ath. 2.68a explicitly identifies as a list of αρτύματα, see Antiph.
fr. 140 “a raisin, salt, grape-syrup, silphium, cheese, thyme, sesame, soda ash,
cumin, oregano, chopped herbs, vinegar, olives, greens for a sour sauce, a
caper, eggs, preserved fish, cress, fig leaves, rennet”; and cf. Alex. frr. 132.3-8;
179.4-7; Anaxipp. fr. 1.7-8; adesp. com. fr. 1073.13-14. Ath. 2.67f-8c and Poll.
6.65-8 preserve related discussions.
7 Probably a reference to S. fr. *675 και βοράς αρτύματα ap. Ath. 2.67f, which Radt
assigned to Phaiakes on the basis of the note in the Antiatticist.
Citation context Originally a gloss on Hp. Salubr. 4 = 6.76.15-17 Littre τά δψα
σκευάζειν σησάμοισιν ή ήδύσμασι και τοΐσιν άλλοισι τοΐσι τοιουτοτρόποισιν
(“and to prepare their main dishes with sesame seed or seasonings and other
items of this sort”) drawn from an Atticist lexicographer. Cf. Poll. 6.13 τά
δ’ αρτύματα ήδύσματα (“seasonings are spices”); Hsch. η 156 ήδύσματα·
αρτύματα (“seasonings: spices”); Σ Pl. R. 404c ήδυσμάτων. αρτυμάτων (“sea-
sonings: spices”; taken by Greene to be drawn from Diogenianus). Antiatt.
p. 82.32 disputes the claim: αρτύματα· ούχ ήδύσματα. Σοφοκλής Φαίαξιν7
(“spices: not seasonings. Sophocles in Phaiakes”).
Heildtes is the only known Eupolidean title into which the confused para-
dosis κλωταΐς/κλοταϊς (whence Meineke’s Klopai, “Thefts”) can be easily
Interpretation ήδύσματα is attested widely in both Attic comedy (also e. g.
Pherecr. fr. 157.2; Telecl. fr. 1.11; Ar. V. 496, 499; Dionys. Com. fr. 2.16; Antiph.
fr. 181.3; cf. fr. 99.49 with n.) and prose (e. g. X. Mem. 3.14.5; Pl. R. 332d), but
is not found in tragedy, αρτύματα, on the other hand, is attested in the tragic
poets (A. fr. 306; S. frr. *328.1; *675; 709; perhaps all satyr play, making it clear
that this is a low-style idea regardless of the register to which the word itself
belongs), but in comedy only at Anaxipp. fr. 1.5, 8; occasionally in Hippocrates
(Aff. 43 = 6.252.12 Littre; Int. 49, 51 = 7.290.16, 296.7 Littre); and never in Attic
prose. Although ήδύσματα is found in Hippocrates as well (also Mui. 137 =
8.90.8 Littre; Mui. II202 = 8.386.17 Littre), therefore, Erotian would appear to
be correct that the word has a distinctly colloquial Attic character.
For what Ath. 2.68a explicitly identifies as a list of αρτύματα, see Antiph.
fr. 140 “a raisin, salt, grape-syrup, silphium, cheese, thyme, sesame, soda ash,
cumin, oregano, chopped herbs, vinegar, olives, greens for a sour sauce, a
caper, eggs, preserved fish, cress, fig leaves, rennet”; and cf. Alex. frr. 132.3-8;
179.4-7; Anaxipp. fr. 1.7-8; adesp. com. fr. 1073.13-14. Ath. 2.67f-8c and Poll.
6.65-8 preserve related discussions.
7 Probably a reference to S. fr. *675 και βοράς αρτύματα ap. Ath. 2.67f, which Radt
assigned to Phaiakes on the basis of the note in the Antiatticist.