1 cm


fr. 155 K.-A. (144 K.)
Poll. 10.98
καί τάγηνον δέ. άλλα μην καί τήγανον αν έχοις εύρεϊν είρημένον έν Ε'ίλωσιν
Εύπόλιδος, καί έν Τηλεκλείδου Άψευδέσιν (fr. 11)·-
As well as a tagenon (skillet), although you could also find it in the form t eg a η ο n
in Eupolis’ Heildtes, and in Telecleides’ Apseudeis (fr. 11):-
Discussion Schiassi 1944. 24; Sarati 1996. 109-10
Citation context From a catalogue of terms for cooking utensils that also
includes fr. 21.
Interpretation For the τάγηνον or τήγανον (“skillet”), cf. frr. [190] n.; 374
n.; 385.1; and the ταγηνίας (“skillet-cake”; see Phot, τ 4 = Synag. τ 2 for an
abbreviated recipe) mentioned at e.g. Magnes fr. 2.1; Cratin. fr. 130; Metag.
fr. 6.8; Nicopho fr. 6.3. The grammarians routinely attempt to distinguish be-
tween the two forms of the word, arguing that τάγηνον is Attic, although
without agreeing on who uses τήγανον instead (Phryn. PS p. 112.11 τάγηνον
οί Αττικοί- τήγανον οί Δωριείς, “Attic-speakers [use] tagenon·, Doric-speakers
[use] teganon’; Moer. τ 3 τάγηνον Αττικοί· τήγανον"Ελληνες, “Attic-speakers
[use] tagenon; Greeks generally [use] teganon”; Phot, τ 3 τάγηνον- τοΰτο
Ίώνων τινές τήγανον λέγουσιν, “tagenon: some of the lonians pronounce
this teganon’·, cf. Hsch. τ 18). But τήγανον is attested also at e.g. Pherecr. fr.
109.1; Philonid. fr. 2; Nicostr. Com. fr. 6.2), and the difference may simply be
a matter of occasional metrical convenience. See Millis 2015 on Anaxandr. fr.
34.4 (Text).
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