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Νουμηνίαι (Noumeniai)
(“New-moon Days”)
test, i
Hyp. Ar. Ach. 1.32-4
έδιδάχθη έπί Εύθύνου (Εύθυμένους RT : Εύθυμένου Ε) άρχοντας (426/5
BCE) έν Ληναίοις διά Καλλιστράτου- καί πρώτος ήν· δεύτερος Κρατϊνος
Χειμαζομένοις· ού σώζονται (post Νουμηνίαις transpos. Elmsley). τρίτος
Εϋπολις Νουμηνίαις (ού σώζονται add. Kaibel)
The play was staged in the archonship of Euthynos (Euthymenes RE :
Euthymenos E) (426/5 BCE) at the Lenaia, with Callistratus as producer, and
it placed first. Second (was) Cratinus with Cheimazomenoi\ the play is not
preserved (transposed to after “Noumeniai” by Elmsley). Third was Eupolis
with Noumeniai (Kaibel added “the play is not preserved”)
Discussion Schiassi 1944. 57-8
Interpretation This notice—describing Aristophanes’ Acharnians, which
took the prize—must be based on official city records, probably known in
Alexandria through Aristotle’s Didaskaliai. No other trace is preserved of
Noumeniai, which—like Cratinus’ Cheimazomenoi— apparently never made its
way to the Library. For “New-moon day”, i. e. the first day of the month, which
was inter alia a public holiday and a market day (Ar. Eq. 43-4; V. 169-71) and
an occasion for private rites and festivals (e.g. Ar. V. 96; Theopomp. Com. fr.
48; Theopomp. Hist. FGrH 115 F 344), see Mikalson 1972. 291-6; Olson on Ar.
Ach. 999; Diggle 2004 on Thphr. Char. 4.13. For the title, cf. Crates’ and Plato
Comicus’ Heortai, on the one hand, and Cratinus’ and Aristophanes’ Hdrai,
on the other.
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