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Πόλεις (fr. 237)


the classical period. See in general Verdejo Manchado 2014. For the dative of
interest (άνθρώποις) with the verb, e. g. Th. 5.10.5 τάς τε πύλας τις άνοιγέτω
έμοί (“let someone open up the gates for me!”); X. HG 6.5.8 άνοίγουσι τάς
πύλας αύτοΐς (“they open the gates for them”); Men. Dysc. 427 γραϋ, την
θύραν κλείσασ’ άνοιγε μηδενί (“Old woman, after you lock the door, don’t
open it for anyone!”).
πώποτ’ adds force to the negation, as at e. g. Ar. Eq. 283 ού Περικλεής
ούκ ήξιώθη πώποτε (“which Pericles never approved”), 569-70 ού γάρ ούδείς
πώποτ’ αυτών τούς εναντίους ίδών / ήρίθμησεν (“for none of them ever count-
ed the enemies when he saw them”); Nil. 637 ών ούκ έδιδάχθης πώποτ’ ούδέν
(“of subjects about which you never learned anything at alF); Stratt. fr. 34.2-3
oiov ού Μέγαλλος πώποτε / ήψησεν (“such as Megallos never ever cooked”);
Antiph. fr. 86.1-2 ούδείς πώποτε, / ώ δέσποτ’, άπέθαν’ άποθανεϊν πρόθυμος
ών (“No one ever, master, died because he was eager to die”).
fr. 237 K.-A. (221 K.)
ώς μόλις άνήρρησ’· ούδέν έσμεν οί σαπροί
άνήρρησ’ Porson : άνήρρησαν codd.
How close I/he came to ruin! We old men are powerless
Phot, a 1936 = Suda a 2434 = Synag. B a 1381
άνήρρησεν· άνεφθάρη·- Εϋπολις Πόλεσιν
anerresen: he came to ruin:-. Eupoiis in Poleis
Meter lambic trimeter.
Discussion Porson 1812. 285; Raspe 1832. 95-6; Meineke 1839 11.517; Kock
1880 1.318; Edmonds 1957. 392-3; Moorhouse 1965. 33; Storey 2003. 229
Citation context From the common source of Photius, the Suda and the
Synagoge generally referred to as Σ'. Hsch. a 5089 άνήρρηξα (cod.: άνήρρησα
Schmidt)· άνελεξάμην έμαυτόν έκ τόπου (“anerrexa: I collected myself from
a place”130) glosses the same verb, but seems to be from a different source (or
at least a different section of the same source).

130 Obscure; Kaibel suggested emending τόπου to πόνου, κόπου or the like: “I recov-
ered from trouble/sickness”.
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