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is an extravagant conclusion, particularly since the supposed connection does
not enrich the reading of either passage.
As the material quoted in Citation context makes clear, λάσαν(α) (ety-
mology unknown) is used of both
(1) a stool upon which one sat to defecate, sc. into a chamber pot (σκώρα-
μις) set beneath it (cf. Pherecr. fr. 93 προς τη κεφαλή μου λάσανα καταθείς
πέρδετοα, “he set down a lasana next to my head and is farting”; Ar. fr. 477
οϊμοι τάλας, τί μου στρέφει τήν γαστέρα; / βάλλ’ ές κόρακας, πόθεν αν
λάσανα γένοιτό μοι;, “Miserable me, why’s my stomach churning? Damn it!
Where could I get a lasana from?”; e.g. Hp. Fist. 9 - 6.456.17-18 Littre όταν
δε θέλη άφοδεύειν, έπί λασάνοισιν ώς στενοτάτοισιν άφοδευέτω, “whenever
the patient wishes to defecate, let him do so on the narrowest lasana possible”;
Superf. 8 = 8.480.24-482.1 Littre ήν δε μή δύνηται καθήσθαι έπί τοϋ λασάνου,
επ’ άνακλίτου δίφρου τετρυπημένου καθήσθω, “but if the patient is unable to
sit on the lasanon, let her sit on a reclining stool with a hole drilled through
it”; cf. Poll. 5.91; 10.44; Latin lasanum; and see fr. 53 n.)
(2) props used to support cookpots over a fire (Diocl. Com. fr. 9 άπό λασάνων
θερμήν άφαιρήσω χύτραν, “I’ll remove a hot cookpot from the lasana”·, Ar.
Pax 892-3; see Morris 1985; called χυτρόποδες, literally “cookpot feet”, at Hes.
Op. 748; Alciphr. 3.2.3).
The vital point of comparison is that both items use a set of legs to allow a
large object to be balanced over a central hole.
χέσω Coarse colloquial vocabulary (also e.g. fr. 176.3; Ar. Ach. 82; Pax
164; Stratt. fr. 54.1; Eub. fr. 52.4 χεζητιών (the desiderative form); cf. Henderson
1991 § 399), saved for the end of the line as a climactic obscenity.
fr. 241 K.-A. (226 K.)
καί Χαόνων καί Παιάνων καί Μαρδόνων
and of Chaones and Paiones and Mardones
St.Byz. μ 66
Μαρδόνες, ’Ηπειρωτικόν έθνος. Ευπολις Πόλεσι--
Mardones, a people in Epirus. Eupolis in Poleis:-

Meter lambic trimeter.
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