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Πόλεις (fr. 250)


times to a famous 4th-century joke-telling circle known as “the Sixty” that met
in the sanctuary (6.260a-b; 14.614d-e). Cf. Ar. Ach. 605 “bullshit artists from
Diomeia” with Olson 2002 ad loc.·, Traill 1975. 39. For the use of έκ + genitive
in place of a proper demotic, cf. Ar. Th. 620; fr. 870; and in general Poultney
1936. 157-8.
έστι δέ τις * at II. 2.811; 11.711, 722; Od. 3.293; 4.844; hBacch. 8 (all of
geographical features) and seemingly a sufficiently familiar feature of epic
language to be taken over by Antimachus of Colophon (fr. 53.1 Wyss = fr.
131.1 Matthews) and Apollonius Rhodius (e.g. 1.936; 2.360) and to be used
parodically at Hermipp. fr. 77.6 and Matro fr. 7.4.

fr. 250 K.-A. (236 K.)
ώ δέσποτα, και τάδε νυν άκουσον αν λέγω σοι
αν Dobree : ά cod.
Master, hear now these words as well which I would address to you!
Σα Heph. Enchiridion 15.3, p. 154.11-17 Consbruch
έσθ’ δτε γάρ καϊ τάς ίαμβικάς έπιμιγνύουσι ταϊς κατειλεγμέναις συζυγίαις, τη τε
ιωνική καί τή χοριαμβική, πάλιν προσοδιακόν καλοϋντες, ώσπερ Εϋπολις έν ταΐς
Πόλεσιν·-. έφθημιμερές γάρ ιαμβικόν τω προσοδιακω τω καθαρω έπιμέμικται καί
προσοδιακόν ομοίως καλείται
For there are occasions when they also mix iambs together with the combina-
tions that have been listed, that is with ionic and choriambic, again referring to
(the result) as a prosodiakon, as Eupolis does in his Poleis:-. For an iambic
line up to the hephthemimeral caesura has been mixed together with the pure
prosodiakon, but (the result) is nonetheless called a prosodiakon
Meter A comic dicolon (x D x ith) also attested inter alia at frr. 148 (where
see n.); 317.
Discussion Raspe 1832. 106-11; Storey 2003. 221
Citation context From an ancient commentary on the metrician Hephaestion
(2nd century CE?), here specifically on Hephaestion’s discussion at XV.3 (pp.
47-8 Consbruch) of άσυνάρτητοι στίχοι, i. e. lines made up of units from dif-
ferent metrical schemes separated by diaeresis, including what Hephaestion
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