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7th/6ll‘ c. BCE, when she was assimilated to figures such as Rhea and Demeter.
The worship of Cybele included ecstatic dancing to the accompaniment of
the αυλός (“pipe”) and the τύμπανον (“drum”) (E. Ba. 124-9; Diog. Ath. TrGF
45 F 1; cf. Ar. fr. 578 “the Phrygian, the pipe-player, Sabazios”, of another
Phrygian deity closely associated with Cybele; Pl. Cri. 54d; Euthd. 277d), hence
presumably the reference in the commentary here to pipe-players and (cultic)
madness (118 ξυμμαιν_[ from ξυμμαίνομαι?). See Gantz 1993. 147-8; Parker
1996. 160, 194; Roller 1999, esp. 172-3; Lindner, LIMCVIII.l p. 736; Allan 2004.
140-6; Munn 2006 (all with further bibliography).

fr. 2591 = POxy. 2813 fr. 5.17-19 = Eup. fr. 259.119-21
]po.[ ]γ φαϋλον .[]. ,ρ.[
120 ].υβ[ ] φλαϋρρν κακόν[
] επίπονον ού γ' ε[
]ρο.[ ]ν mean . .ρ. [
no ] .υβ[ ] base, bad [
wearisome, of which in fact ε[
Interpretation 119-21 may simply continue the commentary on whatev-
er lemma or cluster of lemmata is in question in fr. 259k. But the string of
synonyms in 120-1 is easily understood instead as glossing φαύλον (which
would then be part of another lemma) and whatever else is concealed in
119. Kassel-Austin compare the commentary on the lemma πονηρ<ότ>ατος
at Epich. fr. 98.34 ό μ(έν) [τον έπί]πονον σημαίνει.
fr. 259m = Eup. fr. 259.122
]-crates or ] Crates
Meter Unknown.
Context POxy. 2813 fr. 5.20-3 = Eup. fr. 259.122-5 K.-A.
]. κράτης τοιχωρυχο [
ο]υσιν ένδον μετ’ όφέω[ν
] ήρωες ζωγραφοΰνται α.[
125 ]ες κάπικήκαστον ε[

123 suppl. Lobel 124 οί] ήρωεε Lobel
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