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fr. 259n = Eup. fr. 259.146
]v τον Ύβάδην [
]v the man (acc. sing.) from the deme Hybadai

Meter Unknown.

Context POxy. 2813 fr. 9.2-4 = Eup. fr. 259.145-7 K.-A.
145 ].χην χαλινό. [
]v τον Ύβάδην [
]άν(τί τού) ούκ επεισεν[
].χην χαλινό. [
145 ]v (masc. acc.) from the deme Hybadai [
in place of “he did not persuade”

Interpretation Hybadai was an Attic deme belonging to the tribe Leontis
(Lys. fr. 261 ap. Harp. p. 295.14-15 - Y 2 Keaney; Hdn. Grammatici Graeci III. 1
pp. 66.24; 252.7-8 ~ St.Byz. p. 644.19-21; Phot, υ 8 = Suda υ 9 = EM p. 774.22;
cf. Traill 1975. 46 “Little evidence for location; trittys assignment tentative
from prytany lists”), τον Ύβάδην—presumably giving the demotic of a man
whose name has been lost from the text—is therefore likely from Eupolis,
particularly since there is at least one extra letter-space after Ύβάδην (likely
marking a transition from lemma to commentary or vice versa) and since 147 is
certainly part of a gloss. The material in 145 might accordingly also be part of
the lemma, and some form of the verb χαλινόω (“bridle”, and thus figuratively
“curb, restrain”) would make sense as a term to be glossed επεισεν.

From POxy. 2813 fr. 12

The physical relationship of this fragment to the other fragments of the papy-
rus is unknown, as is whether it in fact represents commentary on Prospaltioi.
fr. 259o = Eup. fr. 259.156
Anagyros (acc.)
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