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Kosmopoulou 2001. For slanders concerning the supposed foreign origins of
prominent persons generally, see fr. 61 n.
ταινιόπωλις The word is attested elsewhere only at D. 57.34, but is
of a common sort (e.g. γελγόπωλις (Cratin. fr. 51), άρτόπωλις (Ar. V. 238),
λαχανόπωλις (Ar. V. 497), ίσχαδόπωλις (Ar. Lys. 564), άλφιτόπωλις (Ar. Ec.
686), μυρόπωλις (Ar. Ec. 841), λεκιθόπωλις (Ar. Pl. 427)), attesting indirectly to
the complexity of Athenian economic life (cf. Silver 2009, esp. 246-8). ταινίαι
(probably cognate with τείνω, “stretch”) are ribbons worn about one’s head
for celebratory occasions of all sorts (Bacch. 17.105-7 (part of the costume
of divine female dancers); Pl. Smp. 212e (worn by Alcibiades during a wild
evening out)), especially in the event of a victory (Ar. Ra. 392-3; Eub. fr. 2.3;
X. Smp. 5.9), but also used as funerary goods to mark tombs (Ar. Ec. 1032; fr.
205.1; Alex. fr. 147 with Arnott 1996 ad loc.).

fr. 263 K.-A. (245 K.)

τί; κατακροάσθέ μου τά μουσοδονήματα;
τί; Goossens : Ή tantum codd.: ή Austin κατακροάσθέ “H.C.”: ΚΑΤΑΚΡΟΑΣΘΑΙ
Priscian?P : ΚΑΤΑΚΡΟΑΣΕΑΙ Priscian?1 : κατακροάται Scaliger
What? Did you (pl.) listen carefully to my musi-commotions?
Priscian. Instit. Gramm. 18.225 (Grammatici Latini ΠΙ p. 320.4-8)
Attici “κατακροάσθαι τούτου” καί “τούτον”. Εύπολις Προσπαλτίοις·-. nostri “au-
dio” quidem accusativo adiungunt, “ausculto” vero tarn dativo quam accusativo
Attic authors (say) “Listen carefully to this (gen.)!” or “to this (acc.)!”. Eupolis in
Prospaltioi: -. Our authors, in fact, connect audio (“I hear”) with the accusative,
ausculto (“I heed”) with the dative as well as the accusative
Meter lambic trimeter.
Discussion Bergk 1838. 360; Meineke 1839 II.523-4; Kock 1880 1.324;
Goossens 1935b. 346-7; Storey 2003. 243
Citation context From a discussion of Latin and Greek verbs that take two
cases, with the Greek material apparently drawn from a now-lost Atticist
lexicon; see in general Sonnino 2014 with bibliography.
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