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For καί ... γε πρ[ός] (“and ... as well”)209 adding emphasis to μισώ, cf. Ar.
Pax 19 νή τον Δί’ ές κόρακας γε, και σαυτόν γε πρός; Ε. Ph. 610 καί κατακτενώ
γε πρός with Mastronarde 1994 ad loc.; Pl. Euthd. 294a καί σύ γε πρός; Grg.
469b καί έλεινόν γε πρός; Meno 90e καί άμαθία γε πρός; Denniston 1950.
157-8. The verb is probably an amusing expansion on another, nominally
different sentiment expressed in the first half of the line (e. g. “But of course I
loathe Phormio, by Zeus—and I hate him too”). For the pronounced tendency
of μισέω to take a definite object (sc. rather than to be used absolutely), see fr.
385.1 n. and cf. Konstan 2006. 185-200 (on hatred); Orth 2014 on Aristomen.
fr. 3.
fr. 268i = 268.34 K.-A.
[την] τε πρώτην
suppl. Luppe
and [the] first (watch)
Meter lambic trimeter.
e.g. <x>— -l<— X— >
Context See fr. 268h n.
Interpretation Kassel-Austin’s typography makes it clear that (following
Luppe) they regard [την] τε πρώτην as drawn from the text of Eupolis, al-
though it is missing from their edition of the individual fragments on p. 458.
For picket-duty generally, see Biles-Olson 2015 on Ar. V. 2. There are five
watches per night at [E.] Rh. 538-45, where the scholiast cites Stesichorus (fr.
297 Finglass) and Simonides (PMG 644) to the same effect, although Poll. 1.70
speaks of only three watches. There may well have been no standard number,
but there was in any case always a first watch. See in general fr. 247.2-3 n.

fr. 268j = 268.35-7 K.-A.
είτ’ ού [^ — ]μον δήτ’ εγώ πορ[— —]ς;

πόρ[νης ερημο]ς suppl. Luppe (iamb, tetram.) : fort. πόρ[ρω η]ς

In that case, not... I in fact...?

209 Rusten 2011. 265 “and I hate at least” misses the idiom, as does Storey 2011. 215
“and I hate”.
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