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Ταξίαρχοι (fr. 268)


fr. 268η = 268.50-2 K.-A.
[ού] παυσει ραίνων ήμ[άς]
[ούκ]* * * 213 πρώρας;
suppl. Lobel
Stop sprinkling us,
you on the bow!

Meter Anapaests.
e.g. <^>-I-
-<σσ —
Context POxy. 2740 fr. 2 col. II.6-9 = fr. 268.50-3 K.-A.
so γάρ ούκ έπίσταμα[ι ού
παυσει ραίνων ήμ[άς, ούκ
πρώρας; είώθασι λ[έγειν·
“ό έκ πρώρας, μή ρ[αΐνε”. ούκ
50-3 suppl. Lobel 53 πρώρας pap. : πρώρας Lobel
for I don’t know how.
Stop sprinkling us,
you on the bow! They are accustomed to say:
“You in the bow, don’t get (us) wet!” ούκ

Interpretation A paragraphos between 50 and 51, together with the fact
that 51-2 are set slightly to the left of the material above and below, mark
the lemma, while another paragraphos between 52 and 53, together with an
extra letter space between πρώρας and είώθασι in 52, mark the commentary.

“a character unable to swim”. Some specific deficiency in training was patently at
issue, but the parallels from Aristophanes show that almost any verb might have
stood in the text.
213 Kassel-Austin p. 458 omit the square brackets around ού and ούκ, both of which
must be restored from ό έκ πρώιραο, μή ρ[αϊνε] (“bow-officer, don’t sprinkle (us)!”)
in the comment at 53, as well as the brackets around the last two letters of Lobel’s
ήμ[άς], for which there is no authority in the papyrus, although the conjecture is
obviously correct.
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