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Ταξίαρχοι (fr. 281)


Sannyrio fr. 3 (parody of elevated style; plural); Ar. Ach. 1218 (an iambic song);
Th. 1102 (= E. fr. 124.6); Eub. fr. 56.6 (elevated style). The second alpha is long.
For the τρίβων, a stereotypical poor man’s outer garment, see fr. 298.6 n.

fr. 281 K.-A. = fr. 268.16-17
έν ταΐσι γάρ μάχαισιν άποθνήσκουσι κόκκυ πρώτοι
άποθνήσκουσι Kassel-Austin : άποθνήσκουσιν Phot. κόκκυ POxy. 2740 : κόκκην
for in the battles they die right away
Phot, κ 867
κόκκην- αντί τοϋ ταχέως. Εϋπολις Ταξιάρχοις--
kokken: in place of “quickly”. Eupolis in Taxiarchoi:-
POxy. 2740 fr. 1.16 (= fr. 268.16-17)
κό[κκυ πρώ]τοι αντί τού πριν [είπεϊν] κόκκυ253
κό[κκυ πρώ]τοι suppl. Lobel [είπεϊν] suppl. Tsantsanoglou
kok[ku prd]toi in place of “before [you can say] kokku”

Meter lambic tetrameter catalectic.
Discussion Tsantsanoglou 1984.121; Kassel-Austin 1986. 464-5; Storey 2003.
Citation context The gloss in Photius is a standard one (see below), but the
reference to Taxiarchoi comes from somewhere else, raising the possibility of a
connection (presumably at a lexicographic remove or two) between the POxy.
commentary and Photius’ source. Closely related material on the meaning of
κόκκυ is preserved at
- Antiatt. p. 105.22 κόκκυ- ουδέ κόκκυ. άντί του ουδέ βραχύ (“kokku: ‘and
not kokku . In place of ‘and not briefly’”)


Garbled at Storey 2011. 212 “Cuckoo first: instead of saying ‘cuckoo before’”.
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