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Χρυσοϋν γένος (fr. 302)


ούκ, άλλ’ Cf. e. g. fr. 195.2; Ar. Ach. 108*, 1114*; Eq. 888; Antiph. fr. 74.13*;
Ephipp. fr. 15.12*; Alex. fr. 7.2*.
δέλφακ(α) For pigs (domesticated already in the Neolithic period; see
e.g. Halstead 1992, esp. 32-5, 42, 44-5, 47) and pork, e.g. Pherecr. fr. 113.16
πλευρά δελφάκει’ έπεξανθισμένα (“nicely-browned pork-ribs”); Ar. Lys. 1061—
2 και δελφάκιον ήν τί μοι, / και τούτο τέθυχ’, ώστε γίγνεσθ’ απαλά καί καλά
(“and I had a piglet, which I’ve sacrificed to produce fine, tender portions”); fr.
236 δελφακίων άπαλών κωλαΐ (“hams of tender piglets”); Theopomp. Com. fr.
49 καί τήν ίεράν σφάττουσιν ήμών δέλφακα (“and they slaughter our sacred
pig”); Epicr. fr. 6.4-5 δελφάκων ... κρέα / κάλλιστ’... πυρός άκμαϊς ήνθισμένα
(“lovely pork browned by the flame’s tips”); Eub. fr. 6.9-10 f όπτά δελφάκι’ /
άλίπαστα τρία (“three roasted piglets sprinkled with salt”); Boyd 1985; Olson
1998 on Ar. Pax 24-5; Kitchell 2014. 150-3.
ένδον See fr. 157.1 n. on Text.
(τ)ή (Ε)στία Hestia, the eldest daughter of Cronus and Rhea and thus
the sister of Zeus and Hera (Hes. Ph. 454), was the goddess of the hearth
(εστία); cf. Gantz 1993. 73-4; hAphr. 21-32 with Olson 2012 ad loc.). At Ar. V.
844, Philocleon brings fencing material of some sort onstage from his house
and refers to it as the family’s χοιροκομεΐον 'Εστίας (“piglet-pen of Hestia”),
while at Antiph. fr. 183.1-2 a mention of dry-roasted pork hams is met with
the response άστεΐόν γε, νή τήν 'Εστίαν, / άριστον (“A sophisticated lunch,
by Hestia!”).
2 καί μάλα is emphatic rather than additive (e. g. Ar. Ph. 644 καί μάλ’
εύχρων; Ra. 410 καί μάλ’ ευπροσώπου; Epicr. fr. 10.33 καί μάλα πράως;
Alex. fr. 172.3-4 καί μάλα / ήδύς γ; Men. Epitr. 385 άλεκτρυών τις καί μάλα
στριφνός; Denniston 1950. 317-18; Thesleff 1954 §§ 41, 43), and thus does not
coordinate καλήν with another adjective that stood after δέλφακ’ in 1.

fr. 302 K.-A. (279 K.)
(A.) όρώ. (B.) θεώ νϋν τήνδε Μαριανδυνίαν
(A.) I’m looking. (B.) Now notice Mariandynia here!
St.Byz. μ 71 Billerbeck
Μαριανδυνία· χώρα (τοϋ Πόντου add. Meineke). Εϋπολις Χρυσω γένει--
Mariandynia: a place (“in the Black Sea region” added by Meineke). Eupolis in Chrysoun
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