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Χρυσούν γένος (fr. 303)


τήνδε Μαριανδυνίαν The definitive article is routinely omitted with
demonstratives in comedy not only with proper names (as here) but elsewhere
as well (e. g. Ar. Ach. 983 λαβέ τήνδε φιλοτησίαν; Eq. 568 τήνδ’ έκόσμησαν
πόλιν, 1166 φέρω σοι τήνδε μαζίσκην; V. 1132 τηνδι δέ χλαϊναν άναβαλοΰ;
Αν. 921 τήνδ’ εγώ κλήζω πόλιν; Ra. 1128 ήκω γάρ εις γήν τήνδε; Philyll. fr.
6.1-2 τήνδ’ ... / δίδωμι τιμήν).
Μαριανδυνία was the area on the southern coast of the Black Sea
around the city of Heracleia Pontica (fr. 235 n.). The indigenous population,
the Mariandynoi, were still free in 480 BCE, when they supplied Xerxes with
troops (Hdt. 7.72.2), but were later enslaved by the Heracleians, allegedly via
some form of voluntary surrender that in any case yielded a helot-like ar-
rangement (Pl. Lg. 776d; Posid. FGrH87 F 8 = fr. 60 Edelstein-Kidd; Str. 12.542;
Asheri 1972.11-31, esp. 17-23; Burstein 1976. 28-30). For other early mentions
of the Mariandynoi, see Pherecr. fr. 74.3 (characterized as barbarians); Hdt. 1.28
(among the peoples subject to Croesus); 3.90.2 (among the peoples subject to
the Persian Empire); X. An. 6.2.1.

fr. 303 K.-A. (280 K.)
ώλκαΐε Σικελιώτα Πελοποννήσιε
O Sicilian Peloponnesian Alcaeus
Σκ Ar. Th. 162
Αλκαίου τοϋ κιθαρωδού, οΰ καί Εϋπολις έν Χρυσω Γένει μέμνηται--
Alcaeus the citharode, whom Eupolis too mentions in Chrysoun genos:-
Meter lambic trimeter.
Discussion Meineke 1839 1.249, II. 540; Meineke 1847. 207; Bergk 1886 11.290;
Storey 2003. 275
Citation context From a well-informed report of a scholarly dispute about
the proper reading at Ar. Th. 162, where Aristophanes of Byzantium (fr. 397) ar-
gued for κάλκαίος rather than κάχαΐος, and Didymus (sc. in his Hypomnemata
Aristophanous·, fr. 66, p. 260 Schmidt) rejected this on the ground that Alcaeus’
poetry was too obscure to be mentioned there (a claim rightly rejected by Σ), but
at another point noted that κάλκαίος could stand, provided the reference was
taken to be to the citharode mentioned by Eupolis rather than to the 7th-/ 6th-c.
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