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Χρυσοΰν γένος (fr. 307)


άποπάτημ’ άλώπεκος Patently an insult, even if the exact point is un-
clear (cf. in general Henderson 1991 § 417). The word-order puts the emphasis
on the second term (“/ox-dung”), and Rapke suggested that the joke may be
that Didymias was from the deme Alopeke. άποπατέω (lit. “step away”, sc.
from others so as to have a bit of privacy as one defecates) and cognates are
common in late 5l-/early 4th-c. comedy (e. g. Cratin. fr. 53.1; Ar. Ach. 81; Ec.
326) and in medical writers (e. g. Hp. Art. 48 = 4.212.11 Littre; Prorrh. II 4 =
9.16.11 Littre; Morb. II 46 = 7.64.13 Littre), but absent from more dignified
genres, σκύβαλον (offered by Et.Gen. etc. as an equivalent term) is first attested
in the 4th c. BCE at Diodes Med. fr. 124.2 van der Eijk. In the case of domestic
animals, there were different words for different types of dung (e. g. βόλιτον
for cow-dung; οϊσπώτη for sheep-dung; όνίδες for donkey-dung; σφυράδες
for goat-dung (cf. fr. 15 with n.)), inter alia, one assumes, because they could
be used for different purposes. Likely there was no such similarly specialized
term for fox-dung. For the fox, see Keller 1909-1913 1.88-9; Kitchell 2014. 70-2.
For its reputation for cunning and treachery (perhaps part of the point here),
cf. Ar. Pax 1067-8 with Olson 1998 ad loc.; Th. 1133 with Austin-Olson 2004
ad loc.; Taillardat 1967 § 405.
fr. 307 K.-A. (285 K.)
καί σκεύος ούδέν ηύρον έν τώκήματι
and I/they found no gear in the house/room
Σαι Heph. Enchiridion 2.1, p. 107.1-14 Consbruch
ή συναλοιφή κατά τρόπους επτά γίνεται, άπλοϋς μεν τρεις, έκθλιψιν ... κράσιν ...
συναίρεσιν ... συνθέτους δε τέσσαρας, έκθλιψιν κράσιν ... έκθλιψιν συναίρεσιν ...
έκθλιψιν κράσιν συναίρεσιν ώς παρ’ Εύπόλιδι έν Χρυσώ γένει·-
Synaloiphe occurs in seven ways, three (of them) simple: elision ... crasis ... (and)
synaeresis ... four (of them) compound: elision-crasis ... elision-synaeresis ... (and)
elision-crasis-synaeresis, as in Eupolis in Chrysoun genos:-
Meter lambic trimeter.
Citation context From a discussion of the difference between synaloiphe
(the elimination of hiatus between words via one of the means described) and
synekphonesis/synizesis (the reduction of two syllabic vowels to one within
a word), expanding on Hephaestion’s less detailed treatment of the former
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