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5.11.1), for which see Liegle 1952. 114-332; Richter 1966b; Lapatin 2001. 72-85.
For similar uses of Διός to indicate the extraordinary size, quality or the like of
an otherwise unremarkable object, cf. Ar. Ra. 100 αιθέρα Διός δωμάτιον (“the
upper air, bedroom of Zeus”); Ephipp. fr. 13.6 Διός εγκέφαλος (“brain of Zeus”;
a delicacy also referred to as βασιλέως έγκέφαλος, “brain of the King”290); E.
Cyc. 136 Διός γάλα (v.l.) (“milk of Zeus”); Diogen. 3.2 (= adesp. com. fr. 546 K.)
αρχαιότερα τής διφθέρας λέγεις Διός (“you’re referring to things older than
Zeus’ leather mantle”).
Despite Pollux, σάνδαλον (first attested in the form σάμβαλον at Sapph.
fr. 110.2; pre-Greek or a loan word, see Hawkins 2013. 154-5) is not in fact
particularly common in what we have of the comic poets (also only Crates
Com. fr. 17.7); cf. the diminutives σανδάλιον at Cratin. fr. 139; Cephisod. fr.
4.1; Theopomp. Com. fr. 45; Antiph. fr. 188.2, and σανδαλίσκον at Ar. Ra. 405.

fr. 313 K.-A. (CGFPR 99)
καί. αρα. . ησ . . μ’ ήλθες
έξυρημένος σαβύττους
1 καικ vel καιχ vel καιζ καί καρατμής Edmonds ώς <ε>μ’ ed. pr.
and [illegible/damaged] you came
with your sabyttoi shaved

Gloss. POxy. 1803.56-9
σαβύττους (σάβυττος)· κουράς είδος τι. Εϋπολις έν Χρυσω γένει·-
sabyttous (sabyttos): a particular type of haircut. Eupolis in Chrysoun genos:-

Meter Trochaic dimeter?
— [x] -[bi-
Discussion Hunt in Grenfell and Hunt 1922. 165-6
Citation context A single sheet belonging to a 6th-century CE glossary of
words from Attic prose and comedy, alphabetized by first letter only. Related
material is preserved at

290 Cf. modern Greek melitzanes Imam (“eggplants of the Imam”).
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