Raspe 1832: Gust. Carol. Henr. Raspe, De Eupolidis ΔΗΜΟΙΣ ac ΠΟΛΕΣΙΝ(Leipzig)
Raubitschek 1941: A. E. Raubitschek, “Two Notes on Isocrates”, ΤΑΡΑ Τλ\ 356-64
Record 1921: Samuel J. Record, “Boxwoods of Commerce”, Bulletin of the Torrey
Botanical Club 48: 297-306
Reed 2004: C. M. Reed, Maritime Traders in the Ancient Greek World (Cambridge)
Reger 1992: Gary Reger, “Athens and Tenos in the Early Hellenistic Age”, CQ NS 42:
Reitzenstein 1890/1891: Ricardus Reitzenstein, “Inedita Poetarum Graecorum Frag-
menta”, Index Lectionum in Academia Rostochiensi II: 3-18
Renehan 1976: Robert Renehan, Studies in Greek Texts: Critical Observations to Homer,
Plato, Euripides, Aristophanes and other Authors (Hypomnemata Heft 43: Gottingen)
Rhodes 1981: P. J. Rhodes, A Commentary on the Aristotelian Athenaion Politeia
Ribbeck 1861: W. Ribbeck, De usu parodiae apud comicos Atheniensium (Berlin)
Ribbeck 1867: W. Ribbeck (ed.), Aristophanes, Ritter (Berlin)
Ribbeck 1882: O. Ribbeck, Alazon: Ein Beitrag zur antiken Ethologie (Leipzig)
Richardson 1974: N. J. Richardson (ed.), The Homeric Hymn to Demeter (Oxford)
Richter 1929: Gisela M. A. Richter, “Silk in Greece”, AJA 33: 27-33
Richter 1966a: G. M. A. Richter, The Furniture of the Greeks, Etruscans and Romans
Richter 1966b: Gisela M. A. Richter, “The Pheidian Zeus at Olympia”, Hesperia 35:
Rickard 1939: T. A. Rickard, “The Primitive Smelting of Iron”, AJA 43: 85-101
Rijksbaron 1984: Albert Rijksbaron, The Syntax and Semantics of the Verb in Classical
Greek: An Introduction (Amsterdam)
Robert 1977: Louis Robert, “Documents d’Asie Mineur”, BCH101: 43-132
Robinson 1939: David M. Robinson, “Note: The Greek Chlamys Not Rectangular”, G&R
8: 190
Robinson 1960: E. S. G. Robinson, “Some Problems in the Later Fifth-Century Coinage
of Athens”, ANSMN 9: 1-15
Rogers 1911: Benjamin Bickley Rogers (ed.), The Comedies of Aristophanes VII The
Lysistrata (London)
Roisman 2006: Joseph Roisman, The Rhetoric of Conspiracy in Ancient Athens (Berkeley,
Los Angeles and London)
Roller 1983: Lynn E. Roller, “The Legend of Midas”, CA 2: 299-313
Roller 1999: Lynn E. Roller, In Search of God the Mother: The Cult of Anatolian Cybele
Rose 1942: H. J. Rose, “Persae 419”, CR 56: 71
Rosen 1998: Ralph M. Rosen, “The Gendered Polis in Eupolis’ Cities”, in Dobrov 1998,
Rosen 2007: Ralph M. Rosen, Making Mockery: The Poetics of Ancient Satire (Oxford)
Rosen and Sluiter 2003: Ralph M. Rosen and Ineke Sluiter (eds.), Andreia: Studies in
Manliness and Courage in Classical Antiquity (Mnemosyne Supplement 238: Leiden
and Boston)
Raspe 1832: Gust. Carol. Henr. Raspe, De Eupolidis ΔΗΜΟΙΣ ac ΠΟΛΕΣΙΝ(Leipzig)
Raubitschek 1941: A. E. Raubitschek, “Two Notes on Isocrates”, ΤΑΡΑ Τλ\ 356-64
Record 1921: Samuel J. Record, “Boxwoods of Commerce”, Bulletin of the Torrey
Botanical Club 48: 297-306
Reed 2004: C. M. Reed, Maritime Traders in the Ancient Greek World (Cambridge)
Reger 1992: Gary Reger, “Athens and Tenos in the Early Hellenistic Age”, CQ NS 42:
Reitzenstein 1890/1891: Ricardus Reitzenstein, “Inedita Poetarum Graecorum Frag-
menta”, Index Lectionum in Academia Rostochiensi II: 3-18
Renehan 1976: Robert Renehan, Studies in Greek Texts: Critical Observations to Homer,
Plato, Euripides, Aristophanes and other Authors (Hypomnemata Heft 43: Gottingen)
Rhodes 1981: P. J. Rhodes, A Commentary on the Aristotelian Athenaion Politeia
Ribbeck 1861: W. Ribbeck, De usu parodiae apud comicos Atheniensium (Berlin)
Ribbeck 1867: W. Ribbeck (ed.), Aristophanes, Ritter (Berlin)
Ribbeck 1882: O. Ribbeck, Alazon: Ein Beitrag zur antiken Ethologie (Leipzig)
Richardson 1974: N. J. Richardson (ed.), The Homeric Hymn to Demeter (Oxford)
Richter 1929: Gisela M. A. Richter, “Silk in Greece”, AJA 33: 27-33
Richter 1966a: G. M. A. Richter, The Furniture of the Greeks, Etruscans and Romans
Richter 1966b: Gisela M. A. Richter, “The Pheidian Zeus at Olympia”, Hesperia 35:
Rickard 1939: T. A. Rickard, “The Primitive Smelting of Iron”, AJA 43: 85-101
Rijksbaron 1984: Albert Rijksbaron, The Syntax and Semantics of the Verb in Classical
Greek: An Introduction (Amsterdam)
Robert 1977: Louis Robert, “Documents d’Asie Mineur”, BCH101: 43-132
Robinson 1939: David M. Robinson, “Note: The Greek Chlamys Not Rectangular”, G&R
8: 190
Robinson 1960: E. S. G. Robinson, “Some Problems in the Later Fifth-Century Coinage
of Athens”, ANSMN 9: 1-15
Rogers 1911: Benjamin Bickley Rogers (ed.), The Comedies of Aristophanes VII The
Lysistrata (London)
Roisman 2006: Joseph Roisman, The Rhetoric of Conspiracy in Ancient Athens (Berkeley,
Los Angeles and London)
Roller 1983: Lynn E. Roller, “The Legend of Midas”, CA 2: 299-313
Roller 1999: Lynn E. Roller, In Search of God the Mother: The Cult of Anatolian Cybele
Rose 1942: H. J. Rose, “Persae 419”, CR 56: 71
Rosen 1998: Ralph M. Rosen, “The Gendered Polis in Eupolis’ Cities”, in Dobrov 1998,
Rosen 2007: Ralph M. Rosen, Making Mockery: The Poetics of Ancient Satire (Oxford)
Rosen and Sluiter 2003: Ralph M. Rosen and Ineke Sluiter (eds.), Andreia: Studies in
Manliness and Courage in Classical Antiquity (Mnemosyne Supplement 238: Leiden
and Boston)