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Incertarum fabularum fragmenta (fr. 421)


aguia: a place denoting the road one travels along in a city. ... The place-name is
aguieus. This is also a term for the obelisks dedicated to gods, as Eupolis (says). And by
contraction aguieas (becomes) aguias. There is also mention of an aguieus column with
a pointed end, the one set up before their doors; Aristophanes in Thesmophoriazusae
Discussion Kock 1880 i.359
Citation context Two versions of a Hellenistic scholarly note, other portions
of which may survive at AB p. 268.6-10 (citing Cratin. fr. 403); ΣνΓ Ar. V. 875;
Phot, a 277 = Suda a 383 (citing Pherecr. fr. 92) (all quoted in full by K.-A.).
Text The clause ώς σαφές ... καί Εύπολις apparently fell out of the text of
Harpocration and was added in the margin by a corrector. Only the A and
Q scribes saw it there, and both inserted it at the wrong place. Q alone reads
Εύπολις εν, as if a title had dropped out of the text. Dindorf suggested that
this was instead an error by a scribe misled by Αριστοφάνης τε έν Σφηξί into
expecting a word his exemplar did not in fact offer.
Interpretation For Apollo “of the Highways”, whose altars and images—often
in the aniconic form described by Harpocration and Stephanus—seem to have
been a common feature of Athenian streets, see the comic fragments listed
under Citation Context, and cf. Fraenkel 1950 on A. Ag. 1081; Handley 1965
on Men. Dysc. 659; E. Ph. 631 with Mastronarde 1994 ad loc.·, Austin-Olson
2004 on Ar. Th. 489; Balestrazzi, LIA4CII.i.327-32; ThesCRA IV 396-7, 401-2;
Finglass 2007 on S. El. 635 (all with further bibliography).

fr. 421 K.-A. (391 K.)
zABFGMc2 4 (p 288 4 Hude)
Ώρου· Άδραμύττειον Εύπολις, Άτραμύττειον Θουκυδίδης (5.1; 8.108.4)
From Orus: Eupolis (writes) Adramytteion, whereas Thucydides (5.1; 8.108.4)
(writes) Atramytteion
Discussion Meineke 1839 11.576; Kock 1880 i.360; Blaydes 1890. 43; Blaydes
1896. 50

Meter Probably iambic trimeter, e. g.
<x— x>|—-c<—>
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