1 cm
by Iranians. Maybe there is one more graffito of the same kind —
a compound reaction to the initial insult.
The inscription which gave the stimulus to deal with this group
of graffiti is written in Brahmi, and this should be a warning to
connect this short text with the man who had conceived and
executed the graffito. It is quite normal that such "accusations
by drawings" are turned into a new direction by the later addi-
tion of a name.
I regret that MA YONG, the author of the last contribution did
not live to see the printed text of his article, nor even the pre-
print, which appeared in the pages of "Pakistan Archaeology".
As for the content of this important article, it seems to me an
open question as to whether a delegation of the Great Wei-
Dynasty would have made such an enormous detour via the
Karakorum — crossing the main range (and necessarily re-cros-
sing later on) in order to approach a town in Sogdiana. It seems
more reasonable to consider the possibility that the Chinese
characters transliterated and interpreted as Mi-Mi (- Maimurgh)
rather mean another town not identified so far, situated some-
where in Gandhara, in the mountains between Swat and Kashmir.

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