
Jettmar, Karl [Editor]; Forschungsstelle Felsbilder und Inschriften am Karakorum Highway <Heidelberg> [Editor]
Antiquities of Northern Pakistan: reports and studies (Band 2): / ed. by Karl Jettmar in collab. with Ditte König and Martin Bemmann — Mainz, 1993

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the monk Nösh-farn, (were?) sent (as) messenger(s) to the
Qaghan of Tibet"
- a Or/7/7ï*ym? Of previous readings - MÜLLER
BENVENISTE p(2y*)ym (?), LlVSIC ^r'yym (for "pUytym) -
oniy the last is possible.
- ^ Or etc. All previous editors give cynfF, but
the second letter leans the wrong way to be a y.
- ' Squeezed in at the beginning of the line, presumably as
an afterthought. The writing is cramped and somewhat am-
biguous (imny ^my/; im/y, etc). MÜLLER (BENVE-
- ^ First read by BENVENISTE; MÜLLER
- ^ See SIMS-WILLIAMS-HAMILTON 1990: 73. Hardly Trf.
The second letter cannot be y as assumed in all previous
editions (MÜLLER ^sym, BENVENISTE and LlVSIC ^jf).
- ^ Unclear, but no alternative to this reading (first sugges-
ted by MÜLLER) has ever been proposed.
- s MÜLLER twp-Yw)yt, BENVENISTE fwpTyf or fwp)yf,
HENNING (1940: 11) fwpW, LlVSIC twp'(y)yt, BAZIN-HA-
MILTON (1991: 10, n. 6) PvpYTü (with the remark: "Le pe-
tit trait serré entre les lettres ' et y ... doit correspondre à
un petit défaut de la pierre plutôt qu'à une lettre").
- h First read by HENNING; MÜLLER (y) Un, BENVENISTE
or *nün (or °Un?).

3 1:3 xt(w)z-'ty F/ 7a-ô
(personal name)
- Hardly
4 1:4 sr'ws['r](t)y-'n F/ 7a, <Sa
(personal name)
- The middle of the line is effaced by later chips in the sur-
face of the rock. Below this word is another, much fainter
line which looks like a first attempt at writing the same
5 1:5 wry trx'n I pr ßyy (n)'m "yt'ym F/ <%, 9a
"(I), Urï Tarkhan, have come in the name of God"

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