
Wolgast, Eike [Hrsg.]; Seebaß, Gottfried [Hrsg.]; Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften [Hrsg.]; Kirchenrechtliches Institut der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland [Hrsg.]; Sehling, Emil [Begr.]; Arend, Sabine [Bearb.]
Die evangelischen Kirchenordnungen des XVI. Jahrhunderts (9. Band = Hessen, 2): Die geteilte Landgrafschaft Hessen 1582-1618 - Grafschaften Waldeck, Solms, Erbach und Stolberg-Königstein - Reichsstädte Frankfurt, Friedberg, Gelnhausen und Wetzlar — Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2011

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16. Old Discipline - New Discipline 1557

62. Item yff all the ministers and Seniors be suspec-
ted or founde parties or yff anie appeale be made
from them, that then such appeale be made to the
bodie off the congregation. The ministers, seniors
and parties excepted. And that the body off the con-
gregation maye appoint so manie off the congrega-
tion to heare and determine the sayed matter or
matters as it shall seeme good to the congregation.
63. Item iff anie person doo unjustly take exceptions
to anie | cxxxii | off the Ministers or appeale from the
whole ministery, that then such persons, besides the
punishement for the principal cause shall also be pu-
nished as a contemner off the ministerie and a dis-
turber off the churche.
64. Item yff all the ministers and seniors from whom
it shall be appealed, as is aforesaied, shall saye and
chalenge the more parte off the congregation as not
indifferent judges, that then they maye appeale
from the congregation to the magistrate, provided
that, iff any minister or senior appeale to the Ma-
gistrate and be founde to have done it withowte ju-
ste cause that then, by that facte, he shall be re-
moved from his ministerie and shall never after be
admitted in the ministery before he hathe made pu-
blick satisfaction for the same.
65. Item that the Ministers and Seniors and everie
off them be subject to Ecclesiasticall discipline and
correction as other private members off the churche
be. And that in case anie person or persons accuse
anie off the Ministers or elders or the more parte off
them or them all of anie crime or crimes the same
order off proceadinge in all pointes be used as it is
heretofore particulerly expressed in the making off
the exception, to summ, or the more part, or all the
saied Ministers and Seniors, as parties, or otherwise
incompetent arbitres.
66. Item that no accusation against any off the Mi-
nisters and Seniors be admitted under 2 witnesses at
the leaste. And that yff anie do unjustlie accuse the
Ministers and Seniors or any off them, that he or
they shall therfore be moste sharply disciplined as a

contemner and defacer of the ministerie and a dis-
turber off the whole churche.
67. Item yf anie controversie be uppon the dowtfull
meaning off anie worde or wordes in the discipline
that first it be referred to the ministers and Seniors,
and yff they cannot agree therupon, then the thing
to be brought and referred to the whole congrega-
68. Item for the avoyding off occasion off conten-
tion hereafter that bookes of discipline concerning
this churche hereto fore made be of no effecte here-
after, but voyde and Canceled. | cxxxiii |
69. Item that all bookes and writinges off recorde
concerning actes and orders in this churche be deli-
vered and remaine in the custodie off the ministers
and elders for the tyme being.
70. Item that a Register booke be kept by the mi-
nisters and Seniors off all suche names as be in the
congregation and such as shall be here after admit-
ted to be written in the same.
71. Item that mariages, Christenings and burialls
with the daye and yere theroff be registred in the
same booke.
72. Item for the avoyding all controversyes that
hereafter maye happen, it is ordeined, that all te-
stamentes and willes made by any off oure nation,
dyinge in this congregation, shall be brought foorthe
and exhibited to the Seniors off this congregation
for the tyme being, for a perpetuall testimonye off
the truthe in that behalff.
73. Item that bicause all mennes doinges be uncer-
teine and changeable, the discipline and orders off
the churche shalbe read openly once every quarter
and warninge theroff before shall be geven to the
whole congregation bothe, that everie member
therof maye knowe their dewtie and that everie man
maye with libertie quietly speak his minde for the
chaunging and amending of it or anye parte therof,
according to goddes worde, and the same exhibited

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