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Schrader, H. (1880) = s. Porph. Quaest. Hom.
Schweighaeuser Animadv. = Animadversiones in Athenaei Deipnosophistas post
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Schwyzer, E. = Griechische Grammatik. Auf der Grundlage von Karl Brugmanns grie-
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Searbey, D.M. (2007) = The Corpus Parisinum. Translated, with Commentary and
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Sens, A. (2011) = Asclepiades of Samos. Epigrams and Fragments, Oxford.
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Sharples, R.W. (1985) = Plato. Meno. Edited with Translation and Notes, Warminster.
Shero, L.R. (1956) = Alcmena and Amphitryon in Ancient and Modern Drama,
«TAPhA» 87, 192-238.
Sichtermann, H. (1966) = Griechische Vasen in Unteritalien. Aus der Sammlung Jatta
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Sifakis, G.M. (1971) = Parabasis and Animal Choruses. A Contribution to the History
of Attic Comedy, London.
Simons, L.M.R. (1949) = Flamma Aeterna. Studie over de betekenis van het eeuwige
vuur in de cultus van de Hellenistisch-Romeinse oudheid, Utrecht.
Slater, W.J. (1986) = Aristophanis Byzantii Fragmenta, Berlin/New York.
Smyth, H.W. (1956) = Greek Grammar. Revised by G.M. Messing, Cambridge (Mass.).
Sodano, A.R. (1970) = s. Porph. Quaest. Hom.
Sofia, A. (2008) = Egiziani ad Atene: Discriminazione razziale ed integrazione politico-
culturale nei commediografi attici del V e IV sec. a.C., «MediterrAnt» 11, 477-507.
Sofia, A. (2016) = Aigyptiazein. Frammenti della commedia attica antica, Milano.
Sommerstein Oaths = The Oath in Archaic and Classical Greece. A Research Project
Funded by the Leverhulme Trust, directed by A.H. Sommerstein (URL http://www.
Sommerstein, A.H. (1986) = The Decree of Syrakosios, «CQ» 36, 101-8.
Sommerstein, A.H. (1989) = Aeschylus. Eumenides. Editedby A.H. S., Cambridge/New
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Sommerstein, A.H. (1997) = Aristophanes. Knights (The Comedies of Aristophanes 2;
Repr. with Correction), Warminster.
Sommerstein, A.H. (2002) = The Titles of Greek Dramas, «SemRom» 5.1, 1-16.
Sonnino, Μ. (1998) = L’accusa di plagio nella commedia attica antica, in R. Gigliucci
(Hg.), Furto e plagio nella letteratura del Classicismo, Roma, 19-51.
Sonnino, Μ. (2014) = I frammenti della commedia greca citati da Prisciano e la fonte
del lessico sintattico del libro XVIII dell’Ars, in L. Martorelli (Hg.), Greco antico
nell’Occidente carolingio, Hildesheim, 163-204.
Sourvinou, C.-Inwood (2000) = Fürther Aspects of Polis Religion, in R. Buxton (Hg.),
Oxford Readings in Greek Religion, Oxford, 38-55.
Sparkes, B.A. (1962) = The Greek Kitchen, «JHS» 82, 121-37.
Schoenemann, I. (1886) = De lexicographis antiquis qui rerum ordinem secuti sunt
quaestiones precursoriae, Hannoverae.
Schrader, H. (1880) = s. Porph. Quaest. Hom.
Schweighaeuser Animadv. = Animadversiones in Athenaei Deipnosophistas post
Isaacum Casaubonum conscripsit I. Schweighaeuser, 9 Bde., Argentorati 1801-1807.
Schwyzer, E. = Griechische Grammatik. Auf der Grundlage von Karl Brugmanns grie-
chischer Grammatik, I-IV, München 1939-1971.
Searbey, D.M. (2007) = The Corpus Parisinum. Translated, with Commentary and
Introduction, Book I, Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter.
Sens, A. (2011) = Asclepiades of Samos. Epigrams and Fragments, Oxford.
SH = H. Lloyd-Jones-P. Parsons (Hgg.), Supplementum Hellenisticum (Texte und
Kommentar, Band 11, Berlin/New York, 1983).
Sharples, R.W. (1985) = Plato. Meno. Edited with Translation and Notes, Warminster.
Shero, L.R. (1956) = Alcmena and Amphitryon in Ancient and Modern Drama,
«TAPhA» 87, 192-238.
Sichtermann, H. (1966) = Griechische Vasen in Unteritalien. Aus der Sammlung Jatta
in Ruvo, Tübingen.
Sifakis, G.M. (1971) = Parabasis and Animal Choruses. A Contribution to the History
of Attic Comedy, London.
Simons, L.M.R. (1949) = Flamma Aeterna. Studie over de betekenis van het eeuwige
vuur in de cultus van de Hellenistisch-Romeinse oudheid, Utrecht.
Slater, W.J. (1986) = Aristophanis Byzantii Fragmenta, Berlin/New York.
Smyth, H.W. (1956) = Greek Grammar. Revised by G.M. Messing, Cambridge (Mass.).
Sodano, A.R. (1970) = s. Porph. Quaest. Hom.
Sofia, A. (2008) = Egiziani ad Atene: Discriminazione razziale ed integrazione politico-
culturale nei commediografi attici del V e IV sec. a.C., «MediterrAnt» 11, 477-507.
Sofia, A. (2016) = Aigyptiazein. Frammenti della commedia attica antica, Milano.
Sommerstein Oaths = The Oath in Archaic and Classical Greece. A Research Project
Funded by the Leverhulme Trust, directed by A.H. Sommerstein (URL http://www.
Sommerstein, A.H. (1986) = The Decree of Syrakosios, «CQ» 36, 101-8.
Sommerstein, A.H. (1989) = Aeschylus. Eumenides. Editedby A.H. S., Cambridge/New
York/ Port Chester / Melbourne / Sydney.
Sommerstein, A.H. (1997) = Aristophanes. Knights (The Comedies of Aristophanes 2;
Repr. with Correction), Warminster.
Sommerstein, A.H. (2002) = The Titles of Greek Dramas, «SemRom» 5.1, 1-16.
Sonnino, Μ. (1998) = L’accusa di plagio nella commedia attica antica, in R. Gigliucci
(Hg.), Furto e plagio nella letteratura del Classicismo, Roma, 19-51.
Sonnino, Μ. (2014) = I frammenti della commedia greca citati da Prisciano e la fonte
del lessico sintattico del libro XVIII dell’Ars, in L. Martorelli (Hg.), Greco antico
nell’Occidente carolingio, Hildesheim, 163-204.
Sourvinou, C.-Inwood (2000) = Fürther Aspects of Polis Religion, in R. Buxton (Hg.),
Oxford Readings in Greek Religion, Oxford, 38-55.
Sparkes, B.A. (1962) = The Greek Kitchen, «JHS» 82, 121-37.