Κόλακες (test. *vi)
For he wasted the enormous paternal household he inherited not on raising
horses or on liturgies ... but on unmixed wine and the sort of companions
who could actually furnish a plot for a comedy, the sort of plot that those
who once toadied up to Callias son of Hipponicus furnished
Context From a moralizing account of the life of Hermocrates of Phocaea
(known only through Philostratus). The rest of Philostratus’ account suggests
that Hermocrates was in fact simply indifferent to money.
Interpretation Neither the play nor the comic playwright who skewered
Callias on account of his toadies is named here, and even if we—not unrea-
sonably—take the reference to be to Kolakes, Philostratus does not obviously
have any specific knowledge of Eupolis’ comedy, reference to which appears
instead to function as a learned commonplace, as in test, iv, vii-viii (although
cf. fr. 174 for the details of Callias’ parties).
test. *vi
ΣνΔ Luc. JTr. 48 (p. 83.16-20, 25-7 Rabe)
ό μέν Καλλίας ούτος, ώς ΚρατΐνοςνΔ ΆρχιλόχοιςΔ (fr. 12) φησίνν, Ίππονίκου
υιός ήν, τον δήμον Μελιτεύς,νΔ ώς Αριστοφάνης ΏραιςΔ (fr. 583), πλούσιος
καί πασχητιών και ύπό πορνιδίων διαφορούμενος καί κόλακας τρέφων ...
κωμωδεϊ δέ αύτόν ΚρατϊνοςλΔ (fr. 81) καί' ώς Φώκου γυναίκα μοιχεύσαντα
καί τρία τάλαντα δόντα εις τό μή κριθήναινΛ
This Callias, on the one hand, according to CratinusVA in Archilochoi^ (fr.
12), was the son of Hipponicus, and from the deme Melite?A according to
Aristophanes in Hdrai (fr. 583), wealthy, sexually passive, plundered by little
whores, and someone who kept toadies in his house ... But Cratinus (fr. 81)
also makes fun of him for seducing the wife of Phocus and giving him three
talents to avoid being found guilty'
Text What is printed above is the punctuation of Kassel-Austin at Cratin.
fr. 12 and Ar. fr. 583, and serves to make κόλακας τρέφων a reference not
to the content of Aristophanes’ Hdrai but—at least potentially—to Kolakes.
Word-order suggests taking ώς Αριστοφάνης Ώραις as referring instead to
πλούσιος καί πασχητιών κτλ.
Context From a well-informed note, also containing a reference to Men. fr.
77.6 and patently drawing on a catalogue of komdidoumenoi, on the mention at
Luc. JTr. 48 of Callias, Meidias and Sardanapallus as obscenely rich individuals
For he wasted the enormous paternal household he inherited not on raising
horses or on liturgies ... but on unmixed wine and the sort of companions
who could actually furnish a plot for a comedy, the sort of plot that those
who once toadied up to Callias son of Hipponicus furnished
Context From a moralizing account of the life of Hermocrates of Phocaea
(known only through Philostratus). The rest of Philostratus’ account suggests
that Hermocrates was in fact simply indifferent to money.
Interpretation Neither the play nor the comic playwright who skewered
Callias on account of his toadies is named here, and even if we—not unrea-
sonably—take the reference to be to Kolakes, Philostratus does not obviously
have any specific knowledge of Eupolis’ comedy, reference to which appears
instead to function as a learned commonplace, as in test, iv, vii-viii (although
cf. fr. 174 for the details of Callias’ parties).
test. *vi
ΣνΔ Luc. JTr. 48 (p. 83.16-20, 25-7 Rabe)
ό μέν Καλλίας ούτος, ώς ΚρατΐνοςνΔ ΆρχιλόχοιςΔ (fr. 12) φησίνν, Ίππονίκου
υιός ήν, τον δήμον Μελιτεύς,νΔ ώς Αριστοφάνης ΏραιςΔ (fr. 583), πλούσιος
καί πασχητιών και ύπό πορνιδίων διαφορούμενος καί κόλακας τρέφων ...
κωμωδεϊ δέ αύτόν ΚρατϊνοςλΔ (fr. 81) καί' ώς Φώκου γυναίκα μοιχεύσαντα
καί τρία τάλαντα δόντα εις τό μή κριθήναινΛ
This Callias, on the one hand, according to CratinusVA in Archilochoi^ (fr.
12), was the son of Hipponicus, and from the deme Melite?A according to
Aristophanes in Hdrai (fr. 583), wealthy, sexually passive, plundered by little
whores, and someone who kept toadies in his house ... But Cratinus (fr. 81)
also makes fun of him for seducing the wife of Phocus and giving him three
talents to avoid being found guilty'
Text What is printed above is the punctuation of Kassel-Austin at Cratin.
fr. 12 and Ar. fr. 583, and serves to make κόλακας τρέφων a reference not
to the content of Aristophanes’ Hdrai but—at least potentially—to Kolakes.
Word-order suggests taking ώς Αριστοφάνης Ώραις as referring instead to
πλούσιος καί πασχητιών κτλ.
Context From a well-informed note, also containing a reference to Men. fr.
77.6 and patently drawing on a catalogue of komdidoumenoi, on the mention at
Luc. JTr. 48 of Callias, Meidias and Sardanapallus as obscenely rich individuals