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fr. 242 K.-A. (227 K.)

άνευ καλαθ ίσκων καί t πόρων f καί πηνίων
πόρων Poll.AC : ό πώρων Ροϊΐώ : πήρα Poll.6 : πόκων Meineke : fort, πόκου πηνίων
Ρο11.Α : πηνίον Poll Λ : τηνίων Poll.FS
without little baskets and f pordn f and thread-spindles
Poll. 7.29
ταλασία ... τάλαρος. καί καλαθίσκος, Εύπόλιδος είπόντος έν Πόλεσιν·-
Wool-spinning ... wool-basket. Also kalathiskos, which Eupolis used in Poleis:-
Meter lambic trimeter.
Discussion Meineke 1847 1.200; Kock 1880 1.319; Schiassi 1944. 74; Edmonds
Citation context From a long discussion at Poll. 7.28-36 of vocabulary relat-
ed to wool-working and weaving; cognate material is preserved elsewhere in
Pollux at 7.173 πλέκειν ... ταλάρους καί καλαθίσκους καί ταρσούς (“to weave
talaroi and kalathiskoi and drying racks”); 10.125 ταλάρους καί καλάθους, οΰς
καί καλαθίσκους έροΰμεν, καί ταλάρια δέ καί καλάθια (“talaroi and kalathoi,
which we will also refer to as kalathiskoi, and mini-talaroi and mini-kala-
thoi”). The source may well be Apollon. Soph. Lex. p. 148.31-5, which in the
epitomized version preserved for us begins τάλαροι· κάλαθοι and goes on to
explain that the word τάλαρος can be applied to various vessels, including
those used to store wool (ό καλαθίσκος των ερίων), make cheese and gather
fruit. Note also
- Hsch. ε 3315 έν ταλάροισι· τοΐς κοφίνοις, τοΐς καλαθίσκοις (“in talaroi:
baskets, kalathiskoi’; originally a note on II. 18.568)
- Phot, τ 23 = Synag. τ 14 τάλαρος· καλαθίσκος, κόφινος (“talaros: a kala-
thiskos, a basket”; cf. Suda τ 38; EM p. 744.56); traced by Cunningham to
Cyril and identified by Erbse as Paus.Gr. τ 5.
Text The second item in the list was corrupt already in the common exemplar
of the surviving manuscripts of Pollux, which may have offered πόρων (adopt-
ed by Poll.AC) as an alternative for πώρων via a superlinear omicron, hence the
nonsensical combined reading ό πώρων in Poll.FS. Meineke’s πόκων (“sheared
wool”) seems an obvious correction, except that the word is normally used in
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