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(i. e. among the various “islanders” mentioned but not fully catalogued at Hdt.
8.46 (a list of Greek forces at the Battle of Salamis)) and appears in the Tribute
Lists from 450/49 BCE to 416/5 BCE (IGI3 263.IV.19 and 289.1.29, respectively).
It was assessed ten talents of tribute in 425/4 BCE (IG I3 71.1.73) and was still
an active member of the Empire in 413 BCE, when Tenian naval forces partic-
ipated in the Sicilian Expedition (Th. 7.57.4). Nothing appears to be known of
its behavior in the final portion of the war, except that a contingent of Tenian
troops supported the Athenian oligarchs in 411 BCE (Th. 8.69). For Tenos’
relations with Athens in the 4th and 3 d centuries BCE, see Reger 1992; and for
Tenos in this period more generally, Etienne 1990.
For Tenos’ supposed reputation as a home for venomous creatures, cf.
Hsch. τ 802 Τη via.· έχιδνα (“Tenian: a viper”); Plin. Nat. 4.65 (claiming that
the place was also known as Ophioussa, “Serpent Island”; thus also St.Byz. p.
621.10-11 Meineke); Matthews 1996. 254.
2 σκόρπιους έχεις τε.:: συκοφάντας For the comparison of sycophants
to venomous creatures, cf. Ar. Th. 528-30 (adapting the proverb “Look for a
scorpion under every stone!” to refer to politicians) with Austin-Olson 2004
ad loc.; Pl. 885 (a magical ring imagined bearing the inscription “[protection]
against a sycophant’s bite”); [D.] 25.52 πορεύεται διά τής αγοράς, ώσπερ έχις
ή σκόρπιός ήρκώς τό κέντρον (“he makes his way through the marketplace,
just like a viper or a scorpion with its stinger raised”), 96 συκοφάντην καί
πικρόν καί έχιν την φύσιν άνθρωπον (“a person who is a sycophant and
bitter and a viper by nature“; said in what follows to be likely to bite); D.L.
6.51 (when Diogenes was asked which wild animals had the worst bite, he
replied: “Of wild animals, the sycophant; of tame animals, the flatterer”); and
for similar comparisons, e. g. Cratin. fr. 80; Anaxil. fr. 22.1-5; S. Ant. 531; E.
Ale. 310; Men. Dy sc. 480. For the sycophant, an alleged malicious abuser of
the legal system better conceived as a creation of the collective social imagi-
nation than as unambiguously identifiable with any particular real individual
or group of individuals, but in any case a standard Aristophanic villain, see
Olson 1998 on Ar. Pax 191; Christ 1998. 48-71 (both with further bibliography).
For scorpions, see Keller 1909-1913 II.471-8; Beavis 1988. 21-34 (p. 21 “the
most feared invertebrates in antiquity”), esp. 27-8. Raspe took the reference
to be instead to the homonymous fish (the sculpin or bullhead), for which see
Olson-Sens 2000 on Archestr. fr. 30.1. This appears to be the first attestation
of έχις, which does not mean that the word was invented only now; whether
έχΐνος (“hedgehog”; see fr. 453 n.) and feminine έχιδνα (also “viper”; already
at Hes. Th. 297, 304) are cognates is disputed.
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