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to exceptionally as a πλήκτρον at [E.] Rh. 766) to drive animals forward, in
particular by charioteers (and not used in horse-back riding), e.g. Ar. Nu.
1297-1300; II. 23.430; Pi. P. 4.236 (driving cattle); A. Ag. 1624 προς κέντρα μή
λάκτιζε (“Don’t kick against the goads!”; for the image, cf. E. Ba. 795; fr. 604;
[A.] PV 322-3); Eu. 156-8; S. OT809; El. 716; E. Hipp. 1194; HF 881-2; X. Cyr.
7.1.29; Anderson 1961. 88 with pl. 11.

fr. 247 K.-A. (233 K.)
(A) ή δ’ ύστατη πού ’σθ’; (Β.) η δε Κύζικος πλέα στατήρων.
(Α.) έν τήδε τοίνυν τή πόλει φρουρών έέγω) ποτ’ αύτός
γυναΐκ’ έκίνουν κολλύβου καί παΐδα καί γέροντα,
κάξήν δλην την ήμέραν τον κύσθον έκκοριζειν
sic divisit Cobet post 1 lac. stat. Meineke 2 <έγώ> add. Hermann
3 γυναΐκ’ έκίνουν κολλύβου Hermann : έκίνουν δέ γυναίκα κολύβου Σ έβίνουν
Dindorf 4 κάξηνόδην Σ : corn Hermann κύσθον Hermann : σκύθον Σ
(A.) Where’s the last one? (B.) This is Cyzicus, full of big coins.
(A.) Well, I myself once in this city, while on guard-duty,
screwed a woman for half a cent, and a boy and an old man;
and you could “de-bug” her cunt all day long
Σν Ar. Pax 1176
εις κιναιδίαν διαβάλλεται, ώστε μηδέ των αναγκαίων διά τήν εύρύτητα κρατεΐν
δύνασθαι, ώς καί Εΰπολις έν Πόλεσιν--
He is attacked for sexually passivity, to the extent that he is not even able to control
his sphincter, because it is enlarged, as Eupolis also (says) in Poleis:-

Meter lambic tetrameter catalectic.

Discussion Raspe 1832. 86-7; Meineke 1839 11.510; Cobet 1840. 189; Kock
1880 1.321; Deubner 1931. 301 n. 1; Whittaker 1935. 183; Schiassi 1944. 73-4;
Edmonds 1957. 394-5; Grilli 1962.121; Wilson 1977. 282-3; Rosen 1998. 160-3;
Storey 2003. 228-9; Olson 2007. 96 (B29)
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