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Kock and earlier editors—who lacked access to the Photius passage—gave him
άναγχιππεΐν rather than άναγχίππους.
Interpretation X. Eq.Mag. 1.9-12 makes it clear that the two commanders of
the Athenian state cavalry (the 'ίππαρχοι, hipparchs) had the legal authority
to require service as knights from individuals who were rich and healthy
enough to serve, and also that they might be forced to go to court to make
some eligible individuals do their duty, both because keeping a war-horse
was expensive and because bribery was thought to keep some names off the
list, discouraging other men from cooperating voluntarily.150 For more on the
hipparchs, the selection of cavalrymen, and cavalry horses, see frr. 201; 293
with n. (on the κατάστασις, a loan granted by the state to allow the purchase
of a horse); 343 (on the scrutiny of cavalry horses); [Arist.] Ath. 49.2; 61.4;
Bugh 1988. 52-74, esp. 53-5.
άναγχίππους The word is attested nowhere else, which does not mean
that Eupolis coined it (despite Sarati 1996. 117).

fr. 258 K.-A. (242 K.)
Poll. 2.77
ή δ’ έν τοΐς τράγοις δυσωδία, ώσπερ και ή έν ταΐς μασχάλαις, κινάβρα καλείται, και
Υ ρ ά σ ο ς δ’ ε’ίρηται αλλαχού τε και έν Πόλεσιν Εύπόλιδος
The foul smell characteristic of billy-goats, as also that of armpits, is called kinabra.
But grasos as well is used both elsewhere and in Eupolis’ Poleis
Citation context From a collection of words having to do with the nose and
the sense of smell. Similar material, likely going back ultimately to the same
source, is preserved at
- Suda κ 1626 κινάβρα-... ή δυσωδία των μασχαλών ή των αιγών (“kinabra:
... the foul smell of armpits or of billy-goats”)
- EMp. 515.1-2 κινάβρας- εστι κυρίως ή τών τράγων δυσωδία- λέγεται καί
άπλώς ή δυσωδία (“kinabras: this is properly the foul smell of billy-goats;
but a foul smell generally is also referred to thus”).
Note also
- Hsch. γ 904 γράσος- δυσοσμία (“grasos: a stench”)

150 For a brief list of some of the legitimate grounds for exemption from service, see
X. Eq.Mag. 9.5.
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