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Προσπάλτιοι (fr. 259)


Interpretation See fr. 259g n. 79-81 likely represent commentary on κλωγμός
« onomatopoeic κλώζω, and apparently an Atticism; for the formation, cf. fr.
166 n.), referring to a sound used inter alia by theater audiences to express
their disapproval of a performance or performer:167
- D. 21.226 oi θεώμενοι τοϊς Διονυσίοις είσιόντ’ εις τό θέατρον τούτον
έσυρίττετε και έκλώζετε (“when this man entered the Theater, the specta-
tors at the Dionysia festivals used to whistle and kidzein at him”)
- Plu. Mor. 813e ή ... έκπτωσις ού φέρει συριγμόν ούδέ χλευασμόν ούδέ
κλωγμόν (in political life, as opposed to the actor’s life onstage, “a mistake
does not produce (merely) whistling, mockery or klogmos”)
- Alciphro 3.35.3 ϊνα, καν τι λάθωμεν άποσφαλέντες, μή λάβη χώραν τά
αστικά μειράκια κλώζειν ή συρίττειν (“in order that, even if we accidental-
ly slip up, the city boys may not get an opportunity kidzein or to whistle”;
an aspiring comic actor worries about his reception at the next festival)
- Poll. 4.122 έποίουν δε τούτο, οπότε τινά έκβάλοιεν, έφ’ ού και τό κλώζειν
και τό συρίττειν (“they used to do this”—sc. stamp their feet in the
Theater—“whenever they drove someone out, for which (one can) also
(use) the terms klozein and ‘to whistle’”)
- Harp. p. 108.3-5 = E 24 Keaney = Phot, ε 431 = Suda ε 485 κλωσμόν έλεγον
τον γιγνόμενον έν τοϊς στόμασι ψόφον, ώ προς τάς έκβολάς έχρώντο των
ακροαμάτων ών ούχ ήδέως ήκουον (“they used the term kldsmos for the
orally-produced sound they used to drive offstage performances they did
not enjoy listening to”)
- Hsch. κ 3060 κλωγμός· ό διά τής γλώττης περί τον ούρανίσκον ψόφος, δν
λάκησίν τινές φασιν, οίον οί όνηλάται ποιούνται κυρίως (“klogmos: the
sound produced by the tongue on the roof of the mouth, which some
authorities call a lakesis, properly the sort that donkey-drivers make”)
- Hsch. κ 3063 κλώζειν· τό έκβαλεΐν έκ των θεάτρων- κλωγμούς γάρ
έλεγον κατά μίμησιν τών γινομένων έν τοϊς στόμασι ψόφων, οϋς προς
τάς έκβολάς έχρώντο τών ποιητών (“klozein: to throw someone out of
the theaters; for they used the word klogmos in imitation of the sounds
produced in their mouths that they used to throw out poets”)
- Phot, ε 397 έκκεκλωσμένος- έκβεβλημένος· κλωγμός γάρ ό διά τής
γλώττης ψόφος, ώ τούς φαύλως άγωνιζομένους έκ τών θεάτρων έξέβαλον

167 Treated at X. Eq. 9.10-11 along with a ποππυσμός (a kissing sound) as a pair of
standard verbal signals to be used for training horses. Cratin. fr. 171.14-15 κατέπιν’
άκόναις / κλωγμόν πολύν αίνετός ϋ[μϊν] (of Cronus swallowing his children) is
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