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Προσπάλτιοι (fr. 259)


From POxy. 2813 fr. 8
The physical relationship of this fragment to the other fragments of the papy-
rus is unknown, as is whether it in fact represents commentary on Prospaltioi.

fr. 259o = Eup. fr. 259.143



he/she weighed

Meter Unknown.
Context POxy. 2813 fr. 8.1-4 = Eup. fr. 259.141-4 K.-A.
i4i ]είλετο ουχο [
]αφήμ(εν)ος ε[,]τω. [
]ινα παντ[
Interpretation βαστάζω is poetic vocabulary (see fr. 326.4 n.), making this
likely part of a lemma. Some of the material above the word in 141-2—note
the extra letter-spaces between ]είλετο and ουχο in 141, seemingly marking a
transition from lemma to commentary or vice versa—or below it in 144 might
accordingly come from the lemma as well.

From POxy. 2813 fr. 9
The physical relationship of this fragment to the other fragments of the papy-
rus is unknown, as is whether it in fact represents commentary on Prospaltioi.

before 422 BCE. Despite Storey 2003. 231, the metrical evidence collected in Cropp
and Fick 1985 does not show that the play is “probably to be dated c.430 (see
Cropp and Fick 1985:70)”. In fact, there is no metrical evidence for the date of the
play (Cropp and Fick 1985. 90 “None”) and Cropp and Fick 1985. 70 date it only to
455-422 BCE, i. e. to anytime from the beginning of Euripides’ career to the date
of Wasps.
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