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Χρυσοΰν γένος (fr. 306)


But more likely this is an oath (thus also Edmonds), like ώ Ζεΰ φίλτατε at Ar.
Ec. 378 and Philem. fr. 74.7; ώ φίλ’ Απολλον at Ar. Eq. 1270 (used instead as
an invocation at A. Th. 159); ηηάΉράκλεις φίλε at Alex. fr. 173.3.
κατάχυτλον την ρΐν’ έχεις Α χύτλον (cognate with χέω) is anything
that is poured (cf. Ar. V. 1213 ύγρόν χύτλασον σεαυτόν έν τοΐς στρώμασιν,
“Pour yourself out like liquid in the bed-clothes!”), while a κατάχυσμα is
a sauce applied to cooked or roasting food (e.g. Ar. Av. 535, 1637; Pl. Com.
fr. 189.9; Philon. fr. 9.1; Archestr. fr. 57.8) or a welcome gift dumped over a
newly acquired slave (Ar. Pl. 789-90; D. 45.74) or a bridal pair (Iheopomp.
Com. fr. 15.1-2) entering the house for the first time. At Pherecr. fr. 113.19 έν
καταχύτλοις λεκάναισι (“in katachytloi basins”; used to hold gruel), κατά-
χυτλος must be an adjective meaning either “suitable for pouring” (and thus
substantially “a pouring vessel”, as the lexicographers insist) or “poured out”,
i. e. “broad, over-long” vel sim. (which would suit the use of the word here to
describe an unattractive nose).
For the idiomatic use of the definite article, signaling that the object in
question belongs specifically to the subject of the main verb, where English
would use an indefinite article (as in the translation), e.g. frr. 86; 159; 368
τό σώμ’ έχουσι λεϊον (“they’ve got a smooth body”); Cratin. fr. 202 <άρ’>
αραχνιών μεστήν έχεις την γαστέρα; (“Have you got a belly full of spiders’
webs?”); Pherecr. fr. 75.2 ξηράν έχουσα τήν φάρυγα (“having a dry throat”);
169.2 τό μέτωπον εί θέρμην έχουσα τυγχάνω (“if I happen to have a warm
forehead”); Ar. Ach. 990 καλόν έχουσα τό πρόσωπον (“having a pretty face”);
Pl. 1018 τάς γε χεΐρας παγκάλας έχειν μ’ έφη (“he said I had lovely hands”);
fr. 134 και μην ύπόστιφρόν γε τήν φωνήν έχεις (“you’ve actually got a rather
harsh voice”); Nicostr. Com. fr. 33.2 βλοσυράν γε τήν ψυχήν έχεις (“you’ve
got a virile soul”).
fr. 306 K.-A. (284 K.)
(A.) τί γάρ έστ’ έκεΐνος; (Β.) άποπάτημ’ άλώπεκος
άποπάτημ’ Et.Gen. etc. : άποτράγημ’ Ath.
(A.) Well, what’s that man? (B.) Fox-dung
Et.Gen. A = Suda a 3468 = Synag. B a 1932 (cf. Phot, a 2602)
άποπάτημα· αυτό τό σκύβαλον. Εϋπολις Χρυσω γένει·-
apopatema·. identical with skybalon (“dung”). Eupolis in Chrysoun genos:-
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