cientes aportaciones de las factorias de salazones de la Bahia de Cadiz”, in Aetas del
Congreso International “El Estrecho de Gibraltar I,” Ceuta 1987 (Madrid), pp. 487-508
Murray 1990: Oswyn Murray (ed.), Sympotica: A symposium on the Symposion (Oxford)
Musolesi 1978-1979: Claudio Musolesi, “Eupol. Fr. 179 K.”, MCr 13-14: 211-13
Naber 1880: S. A. Naber, “Ad Fragmenta Comicorum Graecorum”, Mnemosyne II.8:
Naiden 2013: Fred Naiden, Smoke Signals for the Gods: Greek Sacrifice from the Archaic
through Roman Periods (Oxford and New York)
Nails 2002: Debra Nails, The People of Plato: a Prosopography of Plato and other Socratics
Napolitano 2001: Michele Napolitano, “Un caso di probabile λόγος αγγελικός para-
tragico nei Κόλακες di Eupoli”, SemRom 1: 289-98
Napolitano 2005: Michele Napolitano, “Callia, Alcibiade, Nicia: i Kolakes di Eupoli come
commedia politica”, SemRom 8: 45-66
Napolitano 2012: Michele Napolitano, I Kolakes di Eupoli: Introduzione, Traduzione,
Commento (Studia Comica 4: Mainz)
Nauck 1847: Augustus Nauck, “Parerga critica”, Philologus 2: 144-60
Nauck 1848a: Augustus Nauck (ed.), Aristophanis Byzantii Grammatici Alexandrini
Fragmenta (Halle)
Nauck 1848b: August Nauck, review of Bekker (ed.), lulii Pollucis Onomastikon, in Halle
allgemeine Literatur-zeitung, Band I (Januar bis Juni), pp. 517-20
Nauck 1894: A. Nauck, “Bemerkungen zu Kock Comicorum Atticorum fragm.”, Melan-
ges Greco-Romains 6: 53-180
Nayar and Mehra 1970: N. M. Nayar and K. L. Mehra, “Sesame: Its Uses, Botany,
Cytogenetics, and Origin”, Economic Botany 24: 20-31
Neil 1901: Robert Alexander Neil (ed.), The Knights of Aristophanes (Cambridge)
Neri 1994/5: Camillo Neri, “Le Dionisie del 424”, Annali della Facoltd di Lettere e Filosofia
deU’Universitd di Bari 37/38: 261-88
Nesselrath 1985: Heinz-Giinther Nesselrath, Lukians Parasitendialog: Untersuchung
und Kommentar (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte 22: Berlin
and New York)
Nicolson 1891: Frank W. Nicholson, “Greek and Roman Barbers”, HSCP 2: 41-56
Norsa and Vitelli 1933: Medea Norsa and G. Vitelli, “Frammento di Commedia”, Bulletin
de la Societe Royale d’archeologie d’Alexandrie 28: 137-42
Norsa and Vitelli 1935: Medea Norsa and G. Vitelli, Papiri Greci e Latini Vol. XI
(Pubblicazioni della Societa Italiana per la ricerca dei Papiri greci e latini in Egitto:
North 1966: Helen F. North, Sophrosyne: Self-Knowledge and Self-Restraint in Greek
Literature (Ithaca)
Norwood 1931: Gilbert Norwood, Greek Comedy (London)
Ogden 2007: Daniel Ogden (ed.), A Companion to Greek Religion (Blackwell’s Com-
panions to the Ancient World: Oxford)
Olck 1907: Olck, “Esel”, RE VI.l pp. 626-76
Oliver 1950: James H. Oliver, The Athenian Expounders of the Sacred and Ancestral Law
cientes aportaciones de las factorias de salazones de la Bahia de Cadiz”, in Aetas del
Congreso International “El Estrecho de Gibraltar I,” Ceuta 1987 (Madrid), pp. 487-508
Murray 1990: Oswyn Murray (ed.), Sympotica: A symposium on the Symposion (Oxford)
Musolesi 1978-1979: Claudio Musolesi, “Eupol. Fr. 179 K.”, MCr 13-14: 211-13
Naber 1880: S. A. Naber, “Ad Fragmenta Comicorum Graecorum”, Mnemosyne II.8:
Naiden 2013: Fred Naiden, Smoke Signals for the Gods: Greek Sacrifice from the Archaic
through Roman Periods (Oxford and New York)
Nails 2002: Debra Nails, The People of Plato: a Prosopography of Plato and other Socratics
Napolitano 2001: Michele Napolitano, “Un caso di probabile λόγος αγγελικός para-
tragico nei Κόλακες di Eupoli”, SemRom 1: 289-98
Napolitano 2005: Michele Napolitano, “Callia, Alcibiade, Nicia: i Kolakes di Eupoli come
commedia politica”, SemRom 8: 45-66
Napolitano 2012: Michele Napolitano, I Kolakes di Eupoli: Introduzione, Traduzione,
Commento (Studia Comica 4: Mainz)
Nauck 1847: Augustus Nauck, “Parerga critica”, Philologus 2: 144-60
Nauck 1848a: Augustus Nauck (ed.), Aristophanis Byzantii Grammatici Alexandrini
Fragmenta (Halle)
Nauck 1848b: August Nauck, review of Bekker (ed.), lulii Pollucis Onomastikon, in Halle
allgemeine Literatur-zeitung, Band I (Januar bis Juni), pp. 517-20
Nauck 1894: A. Nauck, “Bemerkungen zu Kock Comicorum Atticorum fragm.”, Melan-
ges Greco-Romains 6: 53-180
Nayar and Mehra 1970: N. M. Nayar and K. L. Mehra, “Sesame: Its Uses, Botany,
Cytogenetics, and Origin”, Economic Botany 24: 20-31
Neil 1901: Robert Alexander Neil (ed.), The Knights of Aristophanes (Cambridge)
Neri 1994/5: Camillo Neri, “Le Dionisie del 424”, Annali della Facoltd di Lettere e Filosofia
deU’Universitd di Bari 37/38: 261-88
Nesselrath 1985: Heinz-Giinther Nesselrath, Lukians Parasitendialog: Untersuchung
und Kommentar (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte 22: Berlin
and New York)
Nicolson 1891: Frank W. Nicholson, “Greek and Roman Barbers”, HSCP 2: 41-56
Norsa and Vitelli 1933: Medea Norsa and G. Vitelli, “Frammento di Commedia”, Bulletin
de la Societe Royale d’archeologie d’Alexandrie 28: 137-42
Norsa and Vitelli 1935: Medea Norsa and G. Vitelli, Papiri Greci e Latini Vol. XI
(Pubblicazioni della Societa Italiana per la ricerca dei Papiri greci e latini in Egitto:
North 1966: Helen F. North, Sophrosyne: Self-Knowledge and Self-Restraint in Greek
Literature (Ithaca)
Norwood 1931: Gilbert Norwood, Greek Comedy (London)
Ogden 2007: Daniel Ogden (ed.), A Companion to Greek Religion (Blackwell’s Com-
panions to the Ancient World: Oxford)
Olck 1907: Olck, “Esel”, RE VI.l pp. 626-76
Oliver 1950: James H. Oliver, The Athenian Expounders of the Sacred and Ancestral Law