Olson 1988: S. Douglas Olson, “The ‘Love Duet’ in Aristophanes’ Ecclesiazusae”, CQ
NS 38: 328-30
Olson 1991: S. Douglas Olson, “Firewood and Charcoal in Classical Athens”, Hesperia
60: 411-20
Olson 1996: “Aristophanes, Equites 947-59 and the Athenian Public Seal”, ZPE 113:
Olson 1998: S. Douglas Olson (ed.), Aristophanes: Peace (Oxford and New York)
Olson 2002: S. Douglas Olson (ed.), Aristophanes: Acharnians (Oxford and New York)
Olson 2006: S. Douglas Olson (ed.), Athenaeus. The Learned Banqueters Books III. 106e-V
(Loeb Classical Library 208: Cambridge Mass, and London)
Olson 2007: S. Douglas Olson (ed.), Broken Laughter: Select Fragments of Greek Comedy
(Oxford and New York)
Olson 2012: S. Douglas Olson (ed.), The Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite and Related Texts
(Texte und Kommentare 39: Berlin and Boston)
Olson-Sens 1999: S. Douglas Olson and Alexander Sens (eds.), Matro ofPitane and the
Tradition of Epic Parody in the Fourth Century BCE (American Classical Studies
44: Atlanta)
Olson-Sens 2000: S. Douglas Olson and Alexander Sens (eds.), Archestratos of Gela:
Greek Culture and Cuisine in the Fourth Century BCE (Oxford)
Orth 2009: Christian Orth (ed.), Strattis. Die Fragmente. Ein Kommentar (Studia Comica
2: Berlin)
Orth 2013: Christian Orth (ed.), Alkaios—Apollophanes: Einleitung, Obersetzung, Kom-
mentar (Fragmenta Comica Band 9.1: Heidelberg)
Orth 2014: Christian Orth (ed.), Aristomenes—Metagenes: Einleitung, Elbersetzung, Kom-
mentar (Fragmenta Comica Band 9.2: Heidelberg)
Orth 2015: Christian Orth (ed.), Nicochares—Xenophon: Einleitung, Elbersetzung, Kom-
mentar (Fragmenta Comica Band 9.3: Heidelberg)
Osborne 1983: M. J. Osborne, Naturalization in Athens Vol. Ill (Verhandlingen van de
koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Lettern en schone Kunsten van Belgie;
Klasse der Lettern Jaargang 45 Nr 109: Brussels)
Ostuni 1980: Giuseppe A. Ostuni, “Eupoli, Prospaltii, fr. 244 Kock”, Annali Della Facoltd
di Lettere e Filosofia della Universitd di Bari 23; 95-7
O’Sullivan 1992: Neil O’Sullivan, Alcidamas, Aristophanes and the Beginnings of Greek
Stylistic Theory (Hermes Einzelschriften 60: Stuttgart)
O’Sullivan 2001: Lara O’Sullivan, “Philochorus, Pollux and the Nomophulakes of
Demetrius of Phalerum”, JHS 121: 51-62
O’Sullivan and Collard 2013: Patrick O’Sullivan and Christopher Collard (eds.), Euri-
pides’ Cyclops and Major Fragments of Greek Satyric Drama (Aris and Phillips
Classical Texts: Oxford)
Padgett 2000: J. Michael Padgett, “The Stable Hands of Dionysos: Satyrs and Donkeys
as Symbols of Social Marginalization in Attic Vase Painting”, in Cohen 2000, pp.
Paga 2010: Jessica Paga, “Deme Theaters in Attica and the Trittys System”, Hesperia
Olson 1988: S. Douglas Olson, “The ‘Love Duet’ in Aristophanes’ Ecclesiazusae”, CQ
NS 38: 328-30
Olson 1991: S. Douglas Olson, “Firewood and Charcoal in Classical Athens”, Hesperia
60: 411-20
Olson 1996: “Aristophanes, Equites 947-59 and the Athenian Public Seal”, ZPE 113:
Olson 1998: S. Douglas Olson (ed.), Aristophanes: Peace (Oxford and New York)
Olson 2002: S. Douglas Olson (ed.), Aristophanes: Acharnians (Oxford and New York)
Olson 2006: S. Douglas Olson (ed.), Athenaeus. The Learned Banqueters Books III. 106e-V
(Loeb Classical Library 208: Cambridge Mass, and London)
Olson 2007: S. Douglas Olson (ed.), Broken Laughter: Select Fragments of Greek Comedy
(Oxford and New York)
Olson 2012: S. Douglas Olson (ed.), The Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite and Related Texts
(Texte und Kommentare 39: Berlin and Boston)
Olson-Sens 1999: S. Douglas Olson and Alexander Sens (eds.), Matro ofPitane and the
Tradition of Epic Parody in the Fourth Century BCE (American Classical Studies
44: Atlanta)
Olson-Sens 2000: S. Douglas Olson and Alexander Sens (eds.), Archestratos of Gela:
Greek Culture and Cuisine in the Fourth Century BCE (Oxford)
Orth 2009: Christian Orth (ed.), Strattis. Die Fragmente. Ein Kommentar (Studia Comica
2: Berlin)
Orth 2013: Christian Orth (ed.), Alkaios—Apollophanes: Einleitung, Obersetzung, Kom-
mentar (Fragmenta Comica Band 9.1: Heidelberg)
Orth 2014: Christian Orth (ed.), Aristomenes—Metagenes: Einleitung, Elbersetzung, Kom-
mentar (Fragmenta Comica Band 9.2: Heidelberg)
Orth 2015: Christian Orth (ed.), Nicochares—Xenophon: Einleitung, Elbersetzung, Kom-
mentar (Fragmenta Comica Band 9.3: Heidelberg)
Osborne 1983: M. J. Osborne, Naturalization in Athens Vol. Ill (Verhandlingen van de
koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Lettern en schone Kunsten van Belgie;
Klasse der Lettern Jaargang 45 Nr 109: Brussels)
Ostuni 1980: Giuseppe A. Ostuni, “Eupoli, Prospaltii, fr. 244 Kock”, Annali Della Facoltd
di Lettere e Filosofia della Universitd di Bari 23; 95-7
O’Sullivan 1992: Neil O’Sullivan, Alcidamas, Aristophanes and the Beginnings of Greek
Stylistic Theory (Hermes Einzelschriften 60: Stuttgart)
O’Sullivan 2001: Lara O’Sullivan, “Philochorus, Pollux and the Nomophulakes of
Demetrius of Phalerum”, JHS 121: 51-62
O’Sullivan and Collard 2013: Patrick O’Sullivan and Christopher Collard (eds.), Euri-
pides’ Cyclops and Major Fragments of Greek Satyric Drama (Aris and Phillips
Classical Texts: Oxford)
Padgett 2000: J. Michael Padgett, “The Stable Hands of Dionysos: Satyrs and Donkeys
as Symbols of Social Marginalization in Attic Vase Painting”, in Cohen 2000, pp.
Paga 2010: Jessica Paga, “Deme Theaters in Attica and the Trittys System”, Hesperia