Sommerstein 1980b: Alan H. Sommerstein, “The Naming of Women in Greek and
Roman Comedy”, QS 11: 393-418; reprinted in Sommerstein 2009, pp. 43-69 (with
additional notes)
Sommerstein 1981: Alan H. Sommerstein (ed.), Aristophanes: Knights (The Comedies
of Aristophanes 2: Warminster)
Sommerstein 1985: Alan H. Sommerstein (ed.), Aristophanes: Peace (The Comedies of
Aristophanes 5: Warminster)
Sommerstein 1986: Alan H. Sommerstein, “The Decree of Syrakosios”, CQNS 36: 101-8
Sommerstein 1993: Alan H. Sommerstein (ed.), Tragedy, comedy and the polis: papers
from the Greek Drama Conference, Nottingham, 18-20 July 1990 (Bari)
Sommerstein 1997: Alan H. Sommerstein, “Response”, in Sommerstein and Atherton
2007, pp. 53-64
Sommerstein 2000; Alan H. Sommerstein, “Platon, Eupolis and the ‘demagogue-com-
edy’”, in Harvey and Wilkins 2000, pp. 437-51
Sommerstein 2001: Alan H. Sommerstein (ed.), Aristophanes: Wealth (The Comedies of
Aristophanes 11: Warminster)
Sommerstein 2004: “Comedy and the unspeakable”, in Cairns and Knox 2004, pp.
Sommerstein 2009: Alan H. Sommerstein, Talking about Laughter and other studies in
Greek Comedy (Oxford)
Sommerstein 2013: Alan H. Sommerstein (ed.), Menander: Sarnia (Cambridge Greek
and Latin Classics: Cambridge)
Sommerstein and Atherton 2007: Alan H. Sommerstein and Catherine Atherton (eds.),
Education in Greek Fiction (Nottingham Classical Lecture Series 4: Bari)
Sommerstein, Fitzpatrick and Talboy 2006: A. H. Sommerstein, D. Fitzpatrick and T.
Talboy, Sophocles: Selected Fragmentary Plays Vol. I (Aris and Philips Classical Texts:
Sommerstein and Torrance 2014: Alan H. Sommerstein and Isabelle C. Torrance, Oaths
and Swearing in Ancient Greece (Berlin)
Sonnino 1997: Maurizio Sonnino, “Una presunta scena di morte nel Maricante di Eupoli
(fr. 209 K.-A.)”, Eikasmos 8: 43-60
Sonnino 1999: Maurizio Sonnino, “Short Notes on Two Comic Fragments (Callias fr.
18 K.-A.; Theopompus Comicus fr. 64 K.-A.”, Phoenix 53: 330-5
Sonnino 2006: Maurizio Sonnino, “L’identificazione del rivale del demagogo nel
Maricante di Eupoli: ‘P. Oxy.’ 2741 (= Eup. fr. 192 K.-A.) rr. 100-5”, ZPE 156: 39-51
Sonnino 2007: Maurizio Sonnino, “Per un’analisi del lessico medico nei frammenti
della commedia: Eupoli Maricante P.Oxy. 2741 (= fr. 192 K.-A.), rr. 7-12, 92-5”,
ZPE 159: 29-42
Sonnino 2014: Maurizio Sonnino, “I frammenti della commedia greca citati da Prisciano
e la fonte del lessico sintattico del libro XVIH dell’ Ars”, in Martorelli 2014, pp.
Sparkes 1995: Brian Sparkes, “A pretty kettle of fish”, in Wilkins, Harvey and Dobson
1995, pp. 150-61
Spence 1993:1. G. Spence, The Cavalry of Classical Greece: A Social and Military History
with Particular Reference to Athens (Oxford)
Sommerstein 1980b: Alan H. Sommerstein, “The Naming of Women in Greek and
Roman Comedy”, QS 11: 393-418; reprinted in Sommerstein 2009, pp. 43-69 (with
additional notes)
Sommerstein 1981: Alan H. Sommerstein (ed.), Aristophanes: Knights (The Comedies
of Aristophanes 2: Warminster)
Sommerstein 1985: Alan H. Sommerstein (ed.), Aristophanes: Peace (The Comedies of
Aristophanes 5: Warminster)
Sommerstein 1986: Alan H. Sommerstein, “The Decree of Syrakosios”, CQNS 36: 101-8
Sommerstein 1993: Alan H. Sommerstein (ed.), Tragedy, comedy and the polis: papers
from the Greek Drama Conference, Nottingham, 18-20 July 1990 (Bari)
Sommerstein 1997: Alan H. Sommerstein, “Response”, in Sommerstein and Atherton
2007, pp. 53-64
Sommerstein 2000; Alan H. Sommerstein, “Platon, Eupolis and the ‘demagogue-com-
edy’”, in Harvey and Wilkins 2000, pp. 437-51
Sommerstein 2001: Alan H. Sommerstein (ed.), Aristophanes: Wealth (The Comedies of
Aristophanes 11: Warminster)
Sommerstein 2004: “Comedy and the unspeakable”, in Cairns and Knox 2004, pp.
Sommerstein 2009: Alan H. Sommerstein, Talking about Laughter and other studies in
Greek Comedy (Oxford)
Sommerstein 2013: Alan H. Sommerstein (ed.), Menander: Sarnia (Cambridge Greek
and Latin Classics: Cambridge)
Sommerstein and Atherton 2007: Alan H. Sommerstein and Catherine Atherton (eds.),
Education in Greek Fiction (Nottingham Classical Lecture Series 4: Bari)
Sommerstein, Fitzpatrick and Talboy 2006: A. H. Sommerstein, D. Fitzpatrick and T.
Talboy, Sophocles: Selected Fragmentary Plays Vol. I (Aris and Philips Classical Texts:
Sommerstein and Torrance 2014: Alan H. Sommerstein and Isabelle C. Torrance, Oaths
and Swearing in Ancient Greece (Berlin)
Sonnino 1997: Maurizio Sonnino, “Una presunta scena di morte nel Maricante di Eupoli
(fr. 209 K.-A.)”, Eikasmos 8: 43-60
Sonnino 1999: Maurizio Sonnino, “Short Notes on Two Comic Fragments (Callias fr.
18 K.-A.; Theopompus Comicus fr. 64 K.-A.”, Phoenix 53: 330-5
Sonnino 2006: Maurizio Sonnino, “L’identificazione del rivale del demagogo nel
Maricante di Eupoli: ‘P. Oxy.’ 2741 (= Eup. fr. 192 K.-A.) rr. 100-5”, ZPE 156: 39-51
Sonnino 2007: Maurizio Sonnino, “Per un’analisi del lessico medico nei frammenti
della commedia: Eupoli Maricante P.Oxy. 2741 (= fr. 192 K.-A.), rr. 7-12, 92-5”,
ZPE 159: 29-42
Sonnino 2014: Maurizio Sonnino, “I frammenti della commedia greca citati da Prisciano
e la fonte del lessico sintattico del libro XVIH dell’ Ars”, in Martorelli 2014, pp.
Sparkes 1995: Brian Sparkes, “A pretty kettle of fish”, in Wilkins, Harvey and Dobson
1995, pp. 150-61
Spence 1993:1. G. Spence, The Cavalry of Classical Greece: A Social and Military History
with Particular Reference to Athens (Oxford)