Spence 1995: I. G. Spence, “Thucydides, Woodhead, and Kleon”, Mnemosyne IV.48:
Spiegelberg 1921: W. Spiegelberg, “ΨΑΓΔΑΝ, ΨΑΓΔΑΣ, ΣΑΓΔΑΣ”, Hermes 56: 232-3
Spyridonidou-Skarsouli 1995: Maria Spyridonidou-Skarsouli (ed.), Der erste Teil der
funften Athos-Sammlung griechischer Sprichwdrter (Texte und Kommentare 18:
Berlin and New York)
Srebrny 1922: Stephanas Srebrny, “Comica”, in Charisteria Casimiro de Morawski sep-
tuagenario oblata am amicis, collegis discipulis (Cracow), pp. 77-87
Srebrny 1939: Stefan Srebrny, “Eupolis fiber Syrakosios”, AJPhO 6: 271-4
Srebrny 1948-1949: Stephanas Srebrny, “Quaestiunculae comicae”, Eos 43: 48-60
Stadter 1989: Philip A. Stadter, A Commentary on Plutarch’s Pericles (Chapel Hill and
Stamires 1958: George A. Stamires, “ΘΕΡΜΑΘΣΤΙΣ, etc.”, Hesperia 27: 324-7
Stamma 2014: Felice Stamma (ed.), Frinico: Introduzione, Traduzione et Commento
(Fragmenta Comica Band 7: Heidelberg)
Steinhauer 2999: Steinhauer, “Στήλη πεσόντων τής Έρεχθηίδος”, Horos 21: 679-92
Stephanis 1988: I. E. Stephanis, Διονυσιακοί Τεχνιται- Συμβολές στην Προσωπογραφία
του Θέατρου και της Μουσικής των Αρχαίων Ελλήνων (Heraklion)
Stephanopoulos 1983: Th. Κ. Stephanopoulos, “Marginalia Comica”, ZPE 52: 45-7
Stevens 1971: P. T. Stevens (ed.), Euripides: Andromache (Oxford)
Stevens 1976; P. T. Stevens, Colloquial Expressions in Euripides (Hermes Einzelschriften
38: Wiesbaden)
Stinton 1975: T. C. W. Stinton, “Hamartia in Aristotle and Greek Tragedy”, CQNS 25:
Stone 1984: L. M. Stone, Costume in Aristophanic Comedy (Salem)
Storey 1988: Ian C. Storey, “The Date of Kallias’ Pedetai”, Hermes 116: 379-83
Storey 1990: Ian C. Storey, “Dating and Re-Dating Eupolis”, Phoenix 44: 1-30
Storey 1991: Ian C. Storey, “Four Notes on Eupolis”, Prudentia 23.2: 1-12
Storey 1993: Ian C. Storey, “Notus est omnibus Eupolis?”, in Sommerstein 1993, pp.
Storey 1995: Ian C. Storey, “Philoxenos ... of Doubtful Gender”, JHS 115: 182-4
Storey 2003: Ian C. Storey, Eupolis: Poet of Old Comedy (Oxford)
Storey 2011: Ian C. Storey (ed. and trans.), Fragments of Old Comedy Vol. II Diopeithes
to Pherecrates (Loeb Classical Library 514: Cambridge Mass, and London)
Storey 2015: Ian C. Storey, review of Napolitano 2012, Gnomon 87: 12-15
Strauss 1983: Barry S. Strauss, “Aegospotami Reexamined”, AJP 104: 24-35
Stromberg 1943: Reinhold Stromberg, Studien zur Etymologic und Bildung der griech-
ischen Fischnamen (Goteborgs Hogskolas Arsskrift XLIX: Goteborg)
Stromberg 1954: Reinhold Stromberg, Greek Proverbs: A Collection of Proverbs and
Proverbial Phrases which are Not Listed by the Ancient and Byzantine Paroemio-
graphers (Gotesborgs Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhalles Handlingar,
Sjatte Folden. Ser. A. Band 4.8: Goteborg)
Struve 1841: Ernestus Aug. Struve, De Eupolidis Maricante sive de Aristophane Accusatore
et Eupolide Plagii Reo (Kiel)
Spence 1995: I. G. Spence, “Thucydides, Woodhead, and Kleon”, Mnemosyne IV.48:
Spiegelberg 1921: W. Spiegelberg, “ΨΑΓΔΑΝ, ΨΑΓΔΑΣ, ΣΑΓΔΑΣ”, Hermes 56: 232-3
Spyridonidou-Skarsouli 1995: Maria Spyridonidou-Skarsouli (ed.), Der erste Teil der
funften Athos-Sammlung griechischer Sprichwdrter (Texte und Kommentare 18:
Berlin and New York)
Srebrny 1922: Stephanas Srebrny, “Comica”, in Charisteria Casimiro de Morawski sep-
tuagenario oblata am amicis, collegis discipulis (Cracow), pp. 77-87
Srebrny 1939: Stefan Srebrny, “Eupolis fiber Syrakosios”, AJPhO 6: 271-4
Srebrny 1948-1949: Stephanas Srebrny, “Quaestiunculae comicae”, Eos 43: 48-60
Stadter 1989: Philip A. Stadter, A Commentary on Plutarch’s Pericles (Chapel Hill and
Stamires 1958: George A. Stamires, “ΘΕΡΜΑΘΣΤΙΣ, etc.”, Hesperia 27: 324-7
Stamma 2014: Felice Stamma (ed.), Frinico: Introduzione, Traduzione et Commento
(Fragmenta Comica Band 7: Heidelberg)
Steinhauer 2999: Steinhauer, “Στήλη πεσόντων τής Έρεχθηίδος”, Horos 21: 679-92
Stephanis 1988: I. E. Stephanis, Διονυσιακοί Τεχνιται- Συμβολές στην Προσωπογραφία
του Θέατρου και της Μουσικής των Αρχαίων Ελλήνων (Heraklion)
Stephanopoulos 1983: Th. Κ. Stephanopoulos, “Marginalia Comica”, ZPE 52: 45-7
Stevens 1971: P. T. Stevens (ed.), Euripides: Andromache (Oxford)
Stevens 1976; P. T. Stevens, Colloquial Expressions in Euripides (Hermes Einzelschriften
38: Wiesbaden)
Stinton 1975: T. C. W. Stinton, “Hamartia in Aristotle and Greek Tragedy”, CQNS 25:
Stone 1984: L. M. Stone, Costume in Aristophanic Comedy (Salem)
Storey 1988: Ian C. Storey, “The Date of Kallias’ Pedetai”, Hermes 116: 379-83
Storey 1990: Ian C. Storey, “Dating and Re-Dating Eupolis”, Phoenix 44: 1-30
Storey 1991: Ian C. Storey, “Four Notes on Eupolis”, Prudentia 23.2: 1-12
Storey 1993: Ian C. Storey, “Notus est omnibus Eupolis?”, in Sommerstein 1993, pp.
Storey 1995: Ian C. Storey, “Philoxenos ... of Doubtful Gender”, JHS 115: 182-4
Storey 2003: Ian C. Storey, Eupolis: Poet of Old Comedy (Oxford)
Storey 2011: Ian C. Storey (ed. and trans.), Fragments of Old Comedy Vol. II Diopeithes
to Pherecrates (Loeb Classical Library 514: Cambridge Mass, and London)
Storey 2015: Ian C. Storey, review of Napolitano 2012, Gnomon 87: 12-15
Strauss 1983: Barry S. Strauss, “Aegospotami Reexamined”, AJP 104: 24-35
Stromberg 1943: Reinhold Stromberg, Studien zur Etymologic und Bildung der griech-
ischen Fischnamen (Goteborgs Hogskolas Arsskrift XLIX: Goteborg)
Stromberg 1954: Reinhold Stromberg, Greek Proverbs: A Collection of Proverbs and
Proverbial Phrases which are Not Listed by the Ancient and Byzantine Paroemio-
graphers (Gotesborgs Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhalles Handlingar,
Sjatte Folden. Ser. A. Band 4.8: Goteborg)
Struve 1841: Ernestus Aug. Struve, De Eupolidis Maricante sive de Aristophane Accusatore
et Eupolide Plagii Reo (Kiel)