
Ruska, Julius; Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften / Philosophisch-Historische Klasse [Editor]
Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse (1917, 2. Abhandlung): Zur ältesten arabischen Algebra und Rechenkunst — Heidelberg, 1917

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Zur ältesten arabischen Algebra und Rechenkunst.


i y'P O^XäJ|» yP 1 ÖlAxU
i^Aykr.A '^.P'liö t_>0 \ ..g.L-5 Aid-i cMlAcNI iÜtJj'^S _j.?
^y.'wxßj U -ö? ^jL-wJ i xkc* +S J.jLäÜ dyi (JJlAR ypy
Lg.Ä>a ^ 4-^Cj _Xj hU j) i ÜXfxJi Jd jiäiiS q! dkiA
0.jOiAäJ1 v )^*22Xi ^.jIxx) L^-zä/i i_a>U Ji ^.jLoS
^3» bi! 0_X.*.i J \*.w.sl5 cb 1^.5 ^a>Iao L^-a-Lc J* yAAJ LXA.i |
^L\i{ <5j*gJpvif L>wX*i5 j^b (T,^ ^ ^5L\it
{& \a1c 1 o_>otU 0-iLa/C y-2-i iN-^ü^bf AÄE jLw.J
Nach der Übersetzung von Rosen (S. 68): „On mercantile
transactions. You know that all mercantile transactions of people,
such as buying and selling, exchange and Ihre, comprehend always
two notions and four numbers, which are stated by the enquirer;
namely, measure and price, und quantity and sum. The number
which expresses the measure, is inversely proportionale to the number
which expresses the sum, and the number of the price inversely
proportionate to that of the quantity. Three of these four numbers
are always known, one is unknown, and this is implied when the
person inquiring says «how much?» and it is the object of the
question. — The computation in such instances is this, that you
try the three given numbers; two of them must necessarily be in-
versely proportionate the one to the other. Then you multiply
these two proportionate numbers by each other, and you divide
the procluct by the third given number, the proportionate of which
is unknown. The quotient of this division is the unknown number,
which the inquirer asked for; and it is inversely proportionate to
the divisor.“
Die Worte des Textes, die den ersten vier kursivgedruckten
Worten der Übersetzung entsprechen, sind:
1. , almusa'ar = the measure
2. ? alsir — the price
3. qVÜI ? altäman — the quantity
4. ! 5 almutamman — the sum.
Auch wer des Arabischen unkundig ist, erkennt aus der Um-
schreibung, daß im Arabischen Wortpaare vorliegen, die von der
2 Lies — 3 Lies jJLU.
Sitzungsberichte der Heidelb. Akademie, phil.-hist. KI. 1917. 2. Abh.

© Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften