1 cm
(D 44/3: Hunza-Haldeikish;DANI 1985: P/. <50
no. 51)9
19. ^/c^f^A (393-85: Oshibat, cf. P/. 61
no. 35 a)
20. a: 72<37?20 PMt/MO P/. 62
b: y6c%73<4m!.sy% (674-84: Thalpan Bridge)
21. (Je 79-34-13: Thor North) P/. 62
DANI 1983: 152 proposes the meaning "spreads" or "proclaims"
for which seems to be a rather difficult assumption and
still more so, if is considered. Further the frequent oc-
currences of t6c<37-%A together with non-Sanskrit names support
the meaning "wanders about" rather, as Buddhist monks, if re-
cognizable as such, normally bear Sanskrit names.
Finally an inscription discovered only recently in August 1985
seems to clarify the meaning:
21a. sn (6M/&/6%A3ptA6% (703-85: Thalpan- PA 64
The verbyt? stands isolated in these inscriptions so far:
22. (yr?)t% (144-83: Camp Site), cf. below no. 37b.
A structural comparison of:
23y4^^r??7w^^//^ yyo (276-83 and 277-83: Hodar,cf. below, PA 65
no. 30a)
24. a: sn yyo)
b: yyo.- (132-83: Camp Site)
24a. /cu6(T%) yyo (23 3-83: Hodar) PA 66
may point to a verb yyo "arrived" of unknown origin.
Very rarely only verbs having a meaning other than "has arrived"
or "wanders about" occur:
25. (49/85: Minargah)

9 DANI c%%<37?3 by mistake. As the photo clearly shows, there is no name
read by DANI below this line. — The derivation of as
suggested by HUMBACH 1980: 100, no. 9 and 101, no. 11 and ac-
cepted meanwhile by FUSSMAN (see above p. 29, no. 26,1), may be
further corroborated by (!) in a Brahmi inscription Uom
Minargah (496-85).

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