
Jettmar, Karl [Hrsg.]; Forschungsstelle Felsbilder und Inschriften am Karakorum Highway <Heidelberg> [Hrsg.]
Antiquities of Northern Pakistan: reports and studies (Band 2): / ed. by Karl Jettmar in collab. with Ditte König and Martin Bemmann — Mainz, 1993

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2.2 Le texte publié par CHAKRA\ARTI 1953 est le suivant.
1 Opz'z/j/ .srz[zrz] vatmrc [.srz] 47 Po.sya-
vn/c/a!-tra:yo[(7z7].fyOpz 73 ^rz-B/zz2ga(7û!tta!-vz2O^77-^am0OMta!-
2 rzzk<rz-nz<2/z<yrz0'z2<7/zz'rr0?z-p^r<<27*<2 Pz2to/az7evzz-3z7/zz'-^n-7Vzrva-
3 7zzm7zrzzm-M-3^/zz'Jeva:-pOrfa:-00a^-7(â[7ZCM]<7fy^'^^^Ogq;'apatz-
rzz zv/zOzrz rztzywzvm - z?z a/z dsïzO/zrz -
4 7rtOz7/zzpa0-Gz7z'gz?tO-3z7rOmg/zz7-zWa/ja!/*^zmg/ze[7za!] 77z27rg^z2rO-
vzyzTyO 77âtMAzz7-^m]ma-znaJ^/zye
5 [pOrvaj-prOrztrzzn yOvzzjt] /zmm-.srz/zrz[.s'm7zz] 4v0tpn^a 32009 [z7vO-
tnzn^]-^/zz2vm czvt.ykzrzp krzf?) m<3^<3rm^/zznz-[n(3]-
6 znzz A:zr/y[Ozn] zzpzz/jryyzz [7?evOnxo?]77zO/a-7iOf7za Z7tz2vy0[m]
zvO/zZ7zzrw/- [ A7rz ]kzzmpzrrrzk/zyazrz patmymrn Arrtz7pz//
7 yOvz7^cz7Tzz7r-[Orkzz]-/?rt/zvz [pztr-mâtr-kzv/atra] ^arva^ffvo-
^z7/:Ora7zz77n /jrtaznz'O
N.P. CHAKRÆARTI proposait quelques corrections pour améliorer
le sanskrit du texte: en 1 Pazrya et vapzia; en 2 ^ammawam; en 4
Gyrrye; en 5 <7vOm0?zj<3, en 7ywaccan<7m ou pour le rendre compré-
hensible: à la jonction de 3 et 4 7na/zâvO(7?za)7zro<7/zz)9û!0. Sa traduc-
tion était la suivante.
"Om. Hail! In the year 47, on the 13th day of the bright half of
Pausha in the prosperous reign of Paramabhattaraka Mahäräjädhi-
räja Paramesvara Patoladeva Sähi, the illustrious Nava-Surendrädi-
tyanandideva, born in the lineage of Bhagadatta, Makarasimha,
the great lord of the elephants, the chief minister, the great lord of
the feudatories and the chief of the army at Giligittâ, who belongs
to the Käncudi clan and is constantly devoted to the feet of the
great Sähi lord, has founded in the forest, Revansomäla (?) by
name, the city called the new Makarapura, after putting a dam in
the stream named Chat.skamka (?) <of the length of> one thou-
sand cubits extending to the eastern limit of the village of Hätüna
in the district of Hanesarä, < the city extending? > over thirtytwo
thousand cubits (?). <Let this last> so long as the moon, the sun
and the earth <last>. This is done for the welfare of the father,
the mother, the wife and all beings".

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