1 cm
Jettmar in 1984/ Very often, too often maybe, the staff of the For-
^c/mn^^eYe spent a large part of their working time to help non-Ger-
man scholars. Everything was done in a gentlemanly way, without any
written contract nor obligation. Colleagues trusted each other.
But French and European bureaucracies like written contracts. In that
way the Foese/mng&steYe /hr YeAYYYer unY /mcYn/ien am Xarakorum
/Viy/tway and two research teams of the French Centre NaYona/ he /a Fe-
c/te/rYe ^c/ent^ae entered in 1990 into an agreement whose main pro-
vision was to do formally what was before done in an informal way, i.e.
to exchange data and publish them together whenever possible. These
teams were CNRS-UPR 315, headed by Dr Francfort, specialized in
Central Asiatic petroglyphs, and CNRS-URA 1424, headed by me, more
interested in Indian inscriptions and images. That collaboration resulted
in visits of German scholars in Paris and French scholars in Heidelberg
and occasional publications like the one in HNP II/
Prof Hauptmann and Prof Jettmar had already planned to publish in
two series the discoveries they were making along the Karakorum High-
way. The first of these series, called HnY<ym'Ye.s o/ Northern PaAYsTan
(HNP), is intended for preliminary papers and special studies devoted to
selected finds. The second one consists of the final reports of archaeolo-
gists, i.e. a full and detailed publication of every discovery, so minute,
damaged or seemingly insignificant it be, made in Pakistan by the field
team of the Fo^c/mngjxteYe. This last series is to be made of a number
of monographies, each one of them being devoted to a specific archae-
ological site along the Karakorum Highway. The first volume, prepared
by H. Hauptmann, D. Konig and M. Bemmann, is almost ready for pub-
lication. It is a comprehensive account of all the drawings and inscrip-
tions discovered in Oshibat, near Chilas.
With the permission of K. Jettmar and H. Hauptmann, Ditte Konig got
a French fellowship which enabled her to stay in Paris from November
1992 up to June 1993 at the YnvYlat Ye CNYAaYon /nY/'enne Yn CoYe^e
Ye Yrance. During her stay, she worked with me on a preliminary draft
of the Shatial I monography, the preparation of which had been entrust-
ed to her and myself. She also actively participated, together with Na-

5 /Mr Fe/iM/a/er uu J /r:.s'c/:r(/a'r: aw: XaraAorMrn Ff/g/way e'er
e'er now headed by Prof. H. Hauptmann.
6 FussMAN 1993.

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