1 cm
they look purely Indian. One of the main problems of the art historian
is thus to discover whether, and if so, why, they were more copied in
Central Asia than other types of Jtnpas, also well represented in Chilas-
Thalpan, and quite different in their general outlook.^ This clearly
shows that we need a complete publication of every archaeological site
along the Karakorum Highway: the planned, and for some volumes al-
ready well advanced, publication of the archaeological sites will be of an
extreme importance for the historians who study the links between India
and Central Asia.
I would like to say how much I am indebted to the Tor.sc/t for
the preparation of this volume. D. Konig was not content with contribut-
ing an important paper and making the indexes. With the help of M.
Bemmann for technical difficulties, she produced on her computer a fi-
nal copy which the printer had only to reproduce. Many of the photo-
graphs were prepared for publication by W. Loffler. The plates were
prepared with much care by Mrs E. Sepi. Without her meticulous and
quick work, the release of this volume would have been much delayed.
To all of them, and to the whole Toryc/tnng^tc//c, the foreign contribu-
tors express their sincere gratitude.
The editors would like to stress that, without the generosity of the De-
partment of Archaeology, especially Dr Nabi Khan, and the constant
help extended to them by their Pakistani colleagues and friends, this
volume would never have been produced.

10 For instance the Sihhota stMj90s in Chilas I: JEUTMAR/THEWALT 1985: pi 16, photo
24 = 1: pi 158; - ,4NF 1: pi 159 etc.

© Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften