1 cm
OCR fulltext
times at Helor Das West, two times also at Thor North, with the
same kind of writing devoid of peculiarities which would allow a
precise dating.
19 Below the previous inscription, in Brahml: raktz/+/^zzng/za (photo
The letters are very faint but the reading is reasonably certain. I
do not know whether we should read one or two names: rakfz/+j
and jz'pzg/za. 3z'mg/za is obviously Sanskrit jzpz/za, "lion". No precise
dating is possible: 4th-7th cent.
A huge boulder (photo 15) is covered with drawings and Brahml inscrip-
tions among them the following ones (no 20-25):
20 a) vz'carah' pm
b) h/za&Pa + , "Prabhadata wanders about" (photo 14).
PraMaJafa could also be read prak/za&zfa, but prab/za^aZa looks
more Indian (Sanskritpra&/za-JaZfa, "given by the light"?). For the
translation of vzcaratz by "wanders about", see v. HlNUBER 1989.^
No precise dating is possible: 4th-7th cent.
21 ra/zzAamza z/zayafa, "Rahusarma arrived here" (photo 15).
But for the ending, the sentence is in almost correct Sanskrit, ra/za-
jazmza is a Brahmanic name. It is known from Thor North (rock
192:2), Minargah, Oshibat and Camp Site.^ But it is difficult to
decide whether all these names correspond to a single person. The
same full sentence, with ayaZa, occurs at Camp Site.^ The trian-
gular headmarks and the angular-shaped ja suggest a 5th cent,
22 Below the previous inscription, va/ava/a/z (photo 15), a proper
name without obvious etymology, in the nominative case.

13 v. HlNUBER 1989: 45, no 21.
14 v. HlNUBER 1989: 70 (index).
15 v. HlNUBER 1989: 45, no 22.
16 DANI 1963: pi XHb, 1; SANDER 1968: Tafel 10, k; DANI 1983: 70-72.

© Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften