1 cm
OCR fulltext
23 To the right side of the previous inscription, jrr AryaaAayya ma^Aa-
^affa/i ya/^Aa/:////, "of Sri Krsnaka, Maghadatta, Ya[ddha]"
(photo 15).
The surface of the boulder is defaced after ya/&?AaA/, but I am
not sure that aAyaras are missing. This line seems to be made of
three proper names, engraved by one and the same person, the
first of them in the genitive case, the other ones in nominative.
4th-7th cent.
24 Below the previous inscription, also in Brahmi: p/ryarfatta + +
(photo 15).
Pnya-tfatfa is a Sanskrit name. 4th-7th cent.
25 Below an animal, probably a horse or donkey, walking to the left:
a) AaAa?iDzsya
b) Aa/aAAagapa/traj, "of Kuladiva, son of Kulabhaga" (photo 16).
The same inscription, read by Dani as AaMiva Aa/aAa^apatra, oc-
curs at Thalpan-Ziyarat.^ These are compound names made of
Sanskrit words, but no translation is possible. The almost square
^a^ is consistent with a 5th cent. date.
26 On another boulder, in Brahmi:
a) Aa/a/'aya
b) .../vaj... (photo 17).
See above, no 2 and no 18.
27 On another rock, in Brahmi:
a) ratamAravraaa
b) vava/fu/taA (photo 18).
No translation of these (two?) proper names can be given. For
other local names ending with -ota-, -ctta-, -otaAa, see v. HlNUBER
1989: 44. 4th-7th cent.
28 On another boulder, in Brahmi: aamo AaJAaya, "homage to
Buddha" (photo 19).

17 DANI 1983: 241, no photo.
18 SANDER 1968: Tafet 9, i.
© Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften