1 cm
OCR fulltext
29 Brahmi inscription: ^rz aaraJevaypa, "of Sri Naradeva" (photo 20).
The triangular headmarks and the angular-shaped ia suggest a 5th
cent, date.^
30 Brahmi inscription: ^amAjaJa pra/pjta, "Saruksada came" (photo
The triangular headmarks are consistent with a 5th cent. date.
31 Brahmi inscription: raA?a^eaa, "Raktasena" (photo 22). Sanskrit
proper name (ra^fa-jezia), without any ending. 4th-7th cent.
32 Brahmi inscription below the previous one: vz ^/zaazjtaMay/y/a,
"the wife(?) of Sri Dhanistha" (photo 22). 4th-7th cent.
33 On the lower part of the same boulder, in Brahmi: jrz vzjzzu^afa^ya,
"of Sri Visnudatta" (photo 22). 4th-5th cent.
34 On a huge boulder covered with drawings, among which a human
head is conspicuous (photo 23), faint Brahmi inscription: Samara.
2nd-6th cent.
35 On the same boulder, to the left of the human head, a quite
enigmatic Brahmi sentence: ziazua ^/za/z7na/gzrz' <7/zamzne vz gye^/zz...
(photo 23).
The triangular-shaped ^a and ja suggest a date between the 4th
and 8th cent.
36 Below the previous inscription, Brahmi: vz (photo 23).
37 On the same rock, below the human head, in Brahmi: mzraoazvna
(photo 23), a kyafnya proper name which looks half Iranian (mzra),
half Indian (varma).
38 To the right of the previous inscription, in Brahmi: razrza + + (pho-
to 23).
The triangular headmarks are consistent with a 5th cent. date.

19 DANI 1963: pi XHb, 1; SANDER 1968: Tafel 10, k; DANI 1983: 70-72.

© Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften