
Benjamin, Millis; Anaxandrides
Fragmenta comica (FrC) ; Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie (Band 17): Anaxandrides: introduction, translation, commentary — Heidelberg: Verlag Antike, 2015

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Αισχρά (fr. 6)


(ca. 360) merely places Anaxandrides’ play in the first half or two-thirds of
his career.

fr. 6 K.-A. (6 K.)

άρτίως διηρτάμηκε, και τά μέν διανεκή
σώματος μέρη δαμάζετ’ έν πυρικτίτοισι γής·
Τιμόθεος έφη ποτ’, άνδρες, τήν χύτραν οίμαι λέγων
habet A
1 διηρτάμηκεν Α διανεκή (η supra α) A 2 δαμάζετε Α πυρικτίτοισι
γας (η supra α) Α: πυρικτίτω στέγα (στέγη van Herwerden) Kock: περικτίτοισι γαϊς
Dobree 3 οίμαι Boeckh: είναι Α
He has butchered (the victim) properly and is subduing
the chine-pieces of the body in the fire-built product of earth.
Timotheus said this once, gentlemen, meaning, I suppose, his cookpot

Ath. 10.455f
Άναξανδρίδης Αισχρά·-
Anaxandrides in Aischra:-

Metre Trochaic tetrameter catalectic.

Discussion Jacobs 1809. 243; Dobree 1833 11.328—9; Meineke 1840 III.163—4;
Emperius 1847. 311; Meineke 1847. 575; Bothe 1855. 419-20; Meineke 1857
V.clxxvii; Kock 1884II. 137-8; Schulze 1892. 503; Blaydes 1896.122; Herwerden
1903. 96; Dupreel 1922. 203 n. 2; Edmonds 1959 11.46—7; Nesselrath 1990. 248-9,
298-9; Kassel-Austin 1991 11.241; Sanchis Llopis et al. 2007. 241; Rusten 2011.
Citation Context Athenaeus cites this fragment in the course of the long
digression (10.448b-59b) on riddles (γρίφοι) that concludes his Book 10. Much
of the ancient scholarship on riddles, including that of Athenaeus, seems to be
derived from Clearchus, On Riddles (frr. 84-95; cf. Wehrli 1948 ad loc.\ which
offers a typology of seven different kinds (fr. 85; cf. Poll. 6.107). For riddles at
symposia, see Starkie 1897 on Ar. V. 20; in general, Arnott 1996 on Alex. fr.
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