
Benjamin, Millis; Anaxandrides
Fragmenta comica (FrC) ; Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie (Band 17): Anaxandrides: introduction, translation, commentary — Heidelberg: Verlag Antike, 2015

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Φιαληφόρος (Phialephoros)
Discussion Meineke 18391.373; 1840 III. 194; 1847. 589; Bothe 1855. 431; Kock
188411.157; Edmonds 1959 11.72—3; Webster 1970. 77; Kassel-Austin 199111.268;
Sanchis Llopis et al. 2007. 268
Title The basic meaning of the title seems clear, but little else can be said with
certainty. Plb. 12.5.9 mentions a priestess with this title in Locris, and Kock,
noting that Anaxandrides had also written a play entitled Locrides (fr. 27),
therefore rashly suggested a connection between the two; there is no evidence
that the cult in Locris was more than purely local, and little reason to believe
that such a cult, from a distant part of Greece, would have been sufficiently
well-known in Athens to have inspired a play. Perhaps more relevant is IG
II 1328, a decree from 183/2 BC of an association of orgeones concerning the
worship of the Magna Mater in Peiraeus, which instructs φιαληφόροι and al
περί τήν θεόν ούσαι to περιτιθέναι... έν τώι άγερμ[ώ]ι κόσμον άρ[γυροΰ]ν
(lines 10-11).
Content of the comedy The action might have taken place at a festival, but
more likely concerned a seduction, as Webster 1970. 77 thought, perhaps with
a rape having occurred at a festival earlier; cf. Introduction to Kanephoros.
Date Unknown.
fr. 52 K.-A. (51 K.)
τον μόναυλον ποϊ τέτροφας; ούτος Σύρε.
(Σύρος) ποιον μόναυλον; (Α.) τον κάλαμον
habent ACE
1 τον ACE: καί τον Schweighausen τον έμόν Meineke: τον σόν Person 2 κάλαμον
ACE: καλάμινον Dindorf dubitanter
what have you done with the monaulos? You! Syrus!
(Syros) What do you mean, ‘monaulos’? (A.) The reed
Ath. 4.176a
και έν Φιαληφόρω·-
και έν Φιαληφόρω Α: Άναξανδρίδης CE
And in Phialephoros:-
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